Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tot School: Mini Week 2

I have to admit that after having 'done' Tot School with a 2 year old and a 4 year old, my posts for my 12 month old are rather, well for lack of a better word, uh boring. But, I dont want to get out of the habit of posting our wrap ups, and I am sure I will love being able to look back and watch baby girl's development over the next year or so.

Our Bible lesson this week was about Noah, so we brought out our Little People Noah's Ark set-a GREAT set by the way-to tell the story {plus some Veggie Tales fill ins}. Mini Cooper enjoyed pouring out the animals and putting them all back in. Gathering is one of her favorite activities.

New to our shelves this week is the Melissa & Doug Alphabet Peg Puzzle I received as part of a review for CSN Stores. Make sure you enter my giveaway if you havent already! Mini enjoyed this puzzle quite a bit.

I showed her how to put puzzle pieces back in their spots, so first she tried that. She would take a piece out and immediately try to put it back. She got the idea, but couldnt quite get the puzzle pieces to fit in their spots.

Mini Cooper decided it would be better to just take all the pieces out of the puzzle and start lining them up.

Until Charger came along and was helping put the pieces back in the puzzle for Mini.

She was not pleased with his help at all. So, she started picking up all the pieces. Did I mention she likes to gather? I guess she is afraid of others taking her things.

I think over the next few weeks I am going to try and be a bit more organized about Mini's School, but we do more then what makes it to the camera. She always joins us for our calendar time and story time. She LOVES to sing with us and is always clapping along. But, with three students I dont get to take pictures.


If you would like to see what others are doing in their Tot Schools, check out the weekly link up on 1plus1plus1equals1.


  1. Haha I love the pic where she's holding the pieces, trying to keep them away from big brother. Too cute. I feel the same way about my Tot School time with Miriam . . it's uneventful except for the fact that I'm spending one on one time with her! Just playing with every day toys, nothing spectacular ;-)

  2. Your sweet posts with your sweet babies reminds me so much of when mine were all little. We had "school" for the toddlers too and they were so proud of their work. I let each one pick out a binder each new "school year" and it would keep all their work. We ended up using public school instead of homeschool but playing school in the early years really paid off. My fourth child will graduate high school this year and is currently 6th out of more than 600 students in her class. Keep those school sessions going : )

  3. My totschool tot is not quite 16 months and compared to her older brother (6 years), our totschool posts aren't very exciting either. But I know she is absorbing things like a sponge, and it's sure to get more interesting as her abilities grow!

  4. I've had the same thoughts about tot school with my little one. That's why I haven't posted on Tot School for a while. But I think I will get back to it because I know we could all be helpful to each other. I just need some creativity to come up with some good activities! Thanks!


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!