Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Easter Trays and Activities

****Repost from last year, hopefully the ideas will be more helpful this year-before Easter :) ****

Last week I put together a number of fun Easter/Spring activities for our learning. I had hoped to get this up last week, but well, packing to take 5 people out of town is a bit time consuming to say the least! So, a bit late, but here it is. Hey, its just early for next year, right? {I'll just keep telling myself that}.

Bunny Patterns. I used a 12 x 12 piece of scrap book supplies, rick rack scrap book embellishments and foam bunny & flower stickers to create 4 pattern rows. I gave Mustang all the remaining bunnies and flowers and had her put them in the right rows. I intend to add Velcro to this.

Spring Spinner game. This by far my favorite activity in the basket. I put foam stickers on a spinner I picked up at the Dollar Tree {they come in a pack of 4 in the school isle}. I did have to add a piece of card stock to make the spinner big enough to accommodate my stickers and still spin. Then I added 4 of each kind of sticker to two different cards. The object is to take turns spinning and place a gem on the picture the spinner lands on. The person with a full card, wins. Mustang and I had a great time playing this one!

Egg counters. I cut out eggs from pretty scrap book paper I have, laminated them, and then joined them with numbers for a counting game.

Egg sounds. I put out a bucket of eggs with letters on them and a cup of objects. Mustang had to match the beginning sounds with the correct eggs. The objects were a dog, a button, a cross, a ring, an egg, a saxophone, and a leaf.

Mini Sensory Tub for Mini Cooper {of course}. I filled a large plastic egg with Easter grass and plastic eggs. She loved shaking the egg, trying to figure out how to get it open {which she couldnt} and playing with the contents when I opened it for her.

Letter matching mats from Home Grown Hearts.

Egg memory. I bought a set of Easter erasers from the Dollar Tree. The package had six sets of matching erasers, so I put them into 12 plastic eggs. In addition to remembering where the erasers were, the kids got to practice opening and closing plastic eggs.

Mommy & Chick match. I saw this on Just One Heartbeat at a Time and was thrilled to find a discarded package in the checkout isle at Hob Lob. I took out the baby chicks and put them in a cup. Charger had to match 1 chick to each 1 momma. Both kids loved these cute little chicks!

Build an Easter Egg, from Confessions of a Homeschooler. We didnt get to this one. I let the kids pick which games they wanted to play and they didnt pick it. It will be a Spring egg instead I guess.

Teeny Tiny Egg Transfer. I found a package of adorable little eggs at Hobby Lobby and knew I had to have them. I was happy to come up with a good way to use them! The egg containers were here at the house when we moved in. There used to be chickens here on the farm and I believe they would have gone straight into these containers in the fridge. {Maybe someday we will get chickens again, when my kids can help}

Egg match file folder game. I really like how this one turned out! I have seen some printable versions of this one, but decided to make it without using any printer ink {cause that stuff is liquid gold apparently}. I used some old scrap booking paper and cut baskets and 4 matching eggs. Charger had to match the eggs to their baskets. With all the colors it was challenging for him.

God Bless!!


  1. I LOVE ALL OF THESE!!!! :) So creative. I especially like the beginning egg sounds and the patterning activity. I will have to throw those together for next week (when we start our spring/Easter activities)

  2. Great ideas! We'll have to try a few of these!

  3. Good job mommy:) I really like the spinner one.

  4. Great ideas. Your kids are blessed to have such a creative and hard-working Mom.




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