Saturday, June 4, 2011

Garage Sale Treasures: June 3rd!

Yesterday was an AWESOME week for finding deals in my area. There were TONS of sales-87 to be exact. I could have yard sailed for DAYS (if I had tons of money). I only made it to 14 of them (2 neighborhood sales), but I have plenty of great stuff to show for it. I also have an injured foot (from putting down my back seat to take home a treasure) and a sunburn!! Who knew you could get sunburned yard sailing??

My very favorite neighborhood yard sales were this weekend. Last year we made out, and this year was no exception. It's the kind of neighborhood where the people have a little money, so they buy nice things, but not a lot of space-so they sell stuff cheap!! And since this is my most pic heavy week, I will start with my best deal instead of waiting till the end.

I should mention, that I once read on Raising Olives that the momma, Kimberly, prays before she goes yard sailing. Well, I will admit that I don't usually pray before we head out. Yesterday, I did. At the very next yard sale, I found this:

A portable dishwasher!!!! We live in a rented farm house that is just 2 miles from the family farm that my DH farms. The house is in the perfect location, is plenty big for our family and the price for rent is right. One problem: no dishwasher. I had been making due, but a dishwasher has been a the top of my list. They are just a TAD pricey, however. So when I found this one smiling at me for just $75.00, I called my DH and got the green light to spend well over my normal yard sale budget and bring it home!!! Normally, I would have been extra leery about buying a used appliance at a yard sale, but since I had JUST prayed about it, I had faith that it worked. The Lord even provided two strong men to help me load it into my van!! I DID injure my foot while loading it, but it will heal! And, yes, it works well and has all the pieces :).

2nd awesome treasure was another desk! This one is for Charger. The local Catholic School is getting new desks and GIVING AWAY the old ones. All I had to do was show up and pick one out. While Mustang was playing basketball, Charger, Mini Cooper and I all headed down to the school. Charger sat in a few until he found the 'perfect' one and we brought it home.

Everything in this picture is for Charger, for this fall and winter. At one sale in my favorite neighborhood, I walked in and noticed that there was a lot of nice stuff in Charger's size. I noticed a sign on one table that said-tops and bottoms 25 cents. I spoke with the lady having the sale and verified that EVERYTHING-including jammies and jeans were 25 CENTS!! I LOADED UP! Seriously, I took home a trash bag full of clothes. I paid just $4.00 for everything in this picture-brands included Ralph Lauren, Carter's, Old Navy and The Children's Place.

More for Charger from the sale. Things on the left are a size up, but the price was worth storing them. Things on the right are for right now. Evidentally, a lady came in before me and got most of the summer stuff in 4t, but honestly its okay with me. Cheap summer stuff isnt near as hard to find as cheap winter stuff. Total for the picture: $2.50

Their daughter was just a couple sizes up from Mustang, so I was able to score some things in her size, too. Unfortunately, the brands and condition of the girls tops weren't near as nice as the boys, so I passed on most. BUT, there were a bunch of jeans in the next size up. NEVER pass up good, name brand jeans for a quarter. EVER. I found 2 pair of Old Navy, one pair of Levis, one pair of Arizona, and a pair of corduroys from The Children's Place, plus a hoodie set and cute top and bottom set: $2.25 total!!

A few more things for Mustang from another sale. I bought her a bunch of nice summer things a few weeks back that were too big, so I have been trying to find smaller things (proving to be a bit harder). 2 top and capri sets, a really pretty 2 piece church outfit, Flapdoodles sweater dress, and a three piece tweed set, 7.00.

The clothes in this picture were a really fun find. When we started out, Mustang told me we needed to find clothes for Daddy. I explained to her that its VERY hard to find good men's clothes so we probably wouldn't find any. Believe it or not, we did!! I paid $1.50 for everything, which includes a really nice western shirt, Gap sweater, and J Crew corduroys!

A few fun things for me. The shelf caddy I have been wanting for our school room. I tend to set things on the floor next to my table and it makes a big mess. Now I can set them in the bins! The plate holder I have wanted for a long time, but never found one at the right price. 2.00 for both.

As we shopped yesterday, Charger kept reminding me that he REALLY wanted a bike. A small bike, a BOYS bike, with training wheels. At one sale (the one with the 25 cent clothes) I found a nice scooter and asked if he wanted it. He said-no mommy I want a BIKE, with training wheels. We've looked other weeks and not found anything. But this week, at the 2nd to last sale, we found it! A small, boys bike, with training wheels for $5.00!!! Maybe it was the praying? :)

Next to it is a buggy for outside that Mini Cooper wanted. She never asks for anything, so I was willing to buy it. We were at a sale and all of a sudden she HAD to have her babies out of the car. She was going to cross the road into traffic to get them, so we went back and got her babies. She promptly found this buggy and started pushing her dollies around in it. It was very cute, so we brought it home. $2.00.

Books. I dont know if you have noticed yet, but have a thing for books. We dont have access to a local library, so I pick up books whenever they are a good price. The yard sale with the quarter clothes, had quarter books. Did I mention that she was a Preschool teacher?? I got all these-except the Froggy books-at her sale. 3.50 total.

More books from the same sale. Yes, there are 2 copies of the M&M counting book. The paperback was the only book in this picture I didnt get at this sale. But, after buying the paperback, I came across the hardback so I went ahead and got it. It's proven to be a good idea because even today I had 2 children each looking at a copy at the same time! $5.75 for all.

4 Tupperware divided trays-1.00 for all, a neat set of lacing beads-they are not all the same size or shape-1.00, a HUGE bag of little Barbie and Polly Pocket odds and ends to put in our Phonics sounds boxes-1.00, Beauty and the Beast, 50 cents.

Little People bus, ramp and people. Mini Cooper slept with the bus last night, lol. $3.25 total.

And last but not least a few odds and ends. For Mustang-Princess footed jammies, 50 cents and Gymboree top, 1.00, and sandals that she HAD to have 1.00. For Mini Cooper-a Dora sheet, 50 cents, and swim suit, 50 cents. Remember how I said finding stuff for her would stop? This is the ONLY thing I found for her this week! For Charger (I missed them in the first pictures)-Clifford slippers, Nike jacket, and a fleece pull over-75 cents total. And last but not least, a few things for the new baby!! 2 newborn sleepers, one preemie set, and a sunsuit for next summer, 3.50 total. My kids always wear the preemie and newborn clothes for a little while. YES I have had 2 preemies so that's probably why, but even Mustang was full term and needed preemie clothes. So I'm always prepared!

Did you read all that?? Sorry it was a bit long! It was a GREAT week!! DH said I need to pray every week. I think he is right!

I'm linked up at My Life at a Taffy Pull. If you found some treasures this week, I hope you will, too!!


  1. It certainly was the praying! Wow what great finds! The one time I was getting frustrated I had been to about 15 sales and found nothing for Sammy.. I prayed, "God let me find the sale that has his size. Good condition for 50 cents to a dollar." Sure enough the next stop had just what I wanted at the price I wanted!

  2. Wow! Wow! Wow! You did so great! God is so faithful! Amazing deals you found this week! Sorry about your foot, but the dishwasher was well worth it, what a blessing that will be especially when the new baby is born!

    P.S. I still have to use Google Chrome to comment...are you having the same issue too?

  3. OH MY GOODNESS!! I cannot believe all the great finds you had. I am definitely going to start off praying this week! :) What a blessing with that portable dishwasher. I wash by hand too so I understand the wonderfulness of a dishwasher. I always look for clothes for my hubby too without much to show for it. I've found a few sales with some nice guys clothing this year but unfortunately have been either too big or small for him. Maybe this week. I just don't even know what else to say....everything that you found is just fantastic!

  4. Amazing finds! I love garage sales!

    Love the cute sandals in the last photo!

    ~Sarah beth~ @

  5. That's awesome! Congratulations on your dishwasher find. ;0) I understand because we're also renting and don't have a dishwasher. Thankfully, my parents just remodeled their kitchen and put in a built-in, so we "inherited" their hand-me-down dishwasher. Yay! I did without for a long time, though.


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