Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our School Room

Since we were on vacation, I almost missed my favorite blog hop week of the year, but thankfully I didn't!!

It's the Not Back to School Hop at Heart of the Matter online-School Room Week. I love school rooms, I love looking at other's learning spaces, and this year I finally have a school room of my own to share! It has it's issues, but it's ours and I love it!

I took a ton of pictures, because you can never have too many school room photos to browse :). Things to imagine-soft robin's egg blue walls in place of landlord's crazy wallpaper, and no red curtain on the window. We usually leave the window curtain free, but it was about 100 degrees out when I took these photos and we wanted to minimize the sunshine.

This is from the doorway looking in. On the left we have our lesson table. I got this table for free from our church when they were upgrading. There are 3 folding chairs-one for me, one for Mustang, and one for Charger. On the table, I keep our white board and other things that we are using at that time.

In front of the big table is our Tot School table. I found this for 19.99 on clearance at Menards after Christmas. There is a little bin in the middle that holds our picture books for the week. Our bookshelves are downstairs.

In the corner is our chalkboard/white board easel (the white board is on the other side). I found this for 10.00 at a yard sale. The art supplies are in the two white bins to the left of the easel (1.00 yard sale). Underneath the easel is a bin of play dough and a basket of instruments. They just fit there, so that's where they went!

We also have 2 desks in the room. This gives the kids an option of doing their work alone, by me, or on the floor. The desk on the left is Charger's and was free from our local Catholic School that was upgrading its desks. The one on the right is Mustang's, a 5.00 yard sale find.

To the right of the desks are our shelves. This is where I put our trays and learning tools for our 'free learning time.' There are some themed items and some things that are out most of the time (the Pink Tower for example). I try to change these out every couple weeks.

These are 15.00 Walmart shelves, and I like the way they look together! I hope to have rain gutter bookshelves above them someday!!

In the middle there is our new calendar. I finally used my Amazon gift cards from Christmas and bought this very cool Learning Resources Calendar and Weather Chart. And um, wow, it was not that much when I ordered 2 months ago! I'm really liking that I have a pocket calendar. Before, I had one from the Dollar Tree-which was cost effective, it was just time to replace it!

If you swing back around and look behind our lesson table you will see my area. On these shelves I keep the lesson books that we are using, math manipulatives, alphabet boxes (until I can get one of those cool drawer boxes made up), markers/glue/scissors, Bible Activity binders, finished work, etc, etc! There's also usually a 20 bottle of Mountain Dew :).

What you see behind that is an old built in wardrobe that needs to be organized, so no photos :). I keep all kinds of art stuff in there.

You may be wondering where we keep all the rest of the 'stuff.' Especially the things I use on our trays. I am thankful to have a storage room right next to this and I keep all that stuff in there. I wrote a post on it about a month ago, Organizing the Homeschool Stuff.

So that's our space. What does yours look like? I'd love to see it and so would tons of other people!! Come link up at the Not Back to School Hop at the Heart of the Matter Online.

Happy Learning and God Bless!


  1. Such a nice warm looking classroom. It is beautiful in there, I know you and your children will enjoy learning in that cozy room this year.

  2. Your room looks fabulous! I really like the new calendar..nice find! Good luck with your upcoming school year. I look forward to seeing your new ideas!

  3. We have the same calendar.....AND I bought mine with Christmas money about that! :) We really like it.

    I like your nice little area...and my wallpaper in the kitchen beats your wallpaper hands least yours is probably from the 90s...and not the 50s.

  4. Great space!! I hope I can pull my room together this week and post about it!! Fingers crossed! I hope you hd a great vacation!

  5. I love your learning shelves. I wish I had room for something like that.

  6. What a colorful and bright room! Looks great!

  7. That is a great space. That is quite the wallpaper.....

  8. Just an fyi, the Menards ad I got has rain gutter free after rebate (menards credit)... Worth checking into. I thought about getting some for the same reason.

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! It is always nice to know that people are actually reading what you write... :)

    at the risk of sounding uneducated.... what are rain gutter shelves?

  10. Your schoolroom looks so bright and cozy at the same time. I know your kids love being in there!

  11. Sounds like you've done a great job of being frugal as you've supplied the needs for your homeschool. You're a wise mama! Great room!!

  12. I love your colorful school room!

  13. You've found some great deals! Great school room. Have a blessed year!!!

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your space looks well organized and very functional. Hope you have a great school year!!

  15. What a fun loving area!!!! I love books shelves, lol. Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed school year!!!!


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