Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pinterest Tuesday: Cold Fall Day Edition

Happy Tuesday!!!  It is a dreary and cold fall day here, and I have had the heat on for 24 hours.  I am looking forward to checking out your creative ideas to brighten my day.  

First, though, here are a few of my favorites from last week:

Let Kids Create made these adorable luminaries from old jars (which we have a lot of).  Perfect for little pumpkins.

Vicky at Mess for Less turned an unexpected art project into a beautiful fall banner.

CrayonFreckles offered a simple tutorial on making colored glue.

And, Amanda at Nursery Rhymes and Fun Times made up a great set of Rain Forest Nomenclature cards to share!! 

If you were featured, grab a button:

Looking forward to this weeks goodies!!!  God Bless!


  1. Thanks for featuring our luminaries!

  2. I love the fall banner! Super cute!

  3. I love the colored glue idea! What fun!

    Thank you for leaving a comment on Bytes of Memories post! I loved her thoughts too.

  4. Thanks for the comment today and Congratulations on the new baby!

  5. Thank you so much for mentioning my banner! I just tweeted about your blog and will be displaying your button on my site. :-) Vicky from www.messforless.net

  6. I just had fun pinning a bunch of the ideas from Pinterest Tuesday. Always so much fun! Thanks so much for hosting! :) Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com

  7. thanks sooo much for the feature! you made my day!

  8. I want to link up mine too. :) This is a great idea. Thanks.


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!