Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jacob and Esau Meet Again-A Lesson on Feelings

We are slooooowly making our way through the Beginners Bible in our lessons.  I'd like to say we were going faster, but ya know, the Bible took thousands of years to write, so we are going in real time :).  

This lesson was based on Jacob and Esau Meet Again  (Genesis 29-33).  I thought this would be a great lesson to learn about feelings, since we know that Jacob was feeling all kinds of different feelings when he met up with Esau after such an angry parting of ways.

We started by reading two books: 

Today I Feel Silly  by Jamie Lee Curtis and The Way I Feel by Janan Cain.  Both are super cute books-highly recommended!

Then we discussed feelings using the cards from Carissa's pack at 1+1+1=1.

We acted out a few of the feelings.  This is cold.



For their Bible Activity book, they made little Jacob's feelings books.

Any chance to cut and glue is a great time here.

The book is VERY simple, I just used free online clip art.  Everything needed for this page can be downloaded here.

If you would like to see other pages of our Bible Activity Book, check out previous entries here.

We are linked up at: 

The Pelsers

God Bless!!


  1. So glad you're posting these again. I love your Bible activities!

  2. I love your Bible activities too!! Good job mama!

  3. I like the feelings booklet. Great idea! Thanks for linking up with Kids in the Word!


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