Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pinterest Tuesday! Apple Edition

Well, I hope you didnt mind our week off last week.  Things were a bit crazy here :).

I have a few entries from 2 weeks ago that I would like to feature.  

The day that Explorer was born, I was supposed to teach our Homeschool Co-op Preschool group.  The theme was apples.  Little did I know that it would be the only day that I absolutely could not be there, nor could I manage to send all the materials for the trays I had made up.  *Sigh*  But, in preparation I researched many blog posts about apples.

I was thrilled to have Deb from Living Montessori Now link up her collection of Apple unit trays and ideas!  It was perfect for inspiration and a ton of printables!

The Only Think Pink in a World Gone Blue also posted this adorable apple craft and a recommendation for the book 3 in 1: A Picture of God.  It is now on my book list!

Well, not about apples, but the cutest pumpkin ever!!  Being a new mummy again, this Mummy from Pam's Party and Practical Tips caught my eye.  I just love him!

And my flat out favorite this week was the Pirate party from Honey Bee Books.  Great little boy's party idea!

If you were featured, grab a button:

I am looking forward to reading all your creative ideas this week!  I missed them last week!

Happy Linking and God Bless!


  1. What? Things have been crazy ;) I wouldn't be back this soon, I can tell you that! Congrats on your new baby!

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my mummy pumkin. I am glad you enjoy him.

  3. thanks so much for hosting this week! i hope that little explorer is settling in well :)

  4. I am new follower and wanted to congratulate you on the birth of Little Explorer. Another beautiful addition to your family.

  5. Wow! I can't believe Pinterest Tuesday is back so soon ... I hadn't even thought to check on it this week! Thanks so much for featuring my Montessori-Inspired Apple Unit! I always love Pinterest Tuesday! Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com


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