Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas List Ideas-4 Year Old Boy

If you are like me, it is becoming a struggle with each passing year to find the 'right' gift.  Each year comes with its own challenges of cost versus size, quantity versus quality, and simply-will he like it or will it be added to the pile of misses?

I'm not promising that my ideas are the best since Charger hasnt actually opened any of them yet.  But, here is what's going under the tree for my little man this year.

First up, is a large, talking Muck, from the Bob the Builder set.  He already has Scoop and Scrambler that he found at yard sales this year.  Of course, it's discontinued, so good old eBay was the source for this one. I am sure Charger is going to be thrilled that Santa was able to make him a new one :).

I was thrilled to find a used Discovery Toys Marbleworks Marble Run this summer at a yard sale for 1.00.  This will be going under the tree, too!

A $3.00 yard sale find this summer, Charger will be getting a road rug to play with his cars.

I took advantage of a Black Friday sale to pick up a new Leapster game.  He loves his Leapster!

And, of course one needs at least ONE 'educational' game.  This Geo Shape Tack Tap will be going in the school room after the Christmas excitement has worn off.

Some other ideas that made our wish list for Grandparents and family, but didnt make it under our tree at home are:

And a looong list of Thomas the Train Learning Curve train cars for his set :).

I plan to fill his stocking with file folder type games, coloring sheets, and the like.  Hopefully, I'll get a chance to blog about them before the holidays.  Its such a busy time of year, that I will make no promises :).  But, I do plan to be back to blogging on a regular basis come January.  I miss you all!!!

Hope your Christmas season is going well.  Merry Christmas!!!

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  1. I think those will be hits!! I am sure they will love them :-)

  2. ohh I should explain my they.. you know that all the kids will play with everything that everyone gets! I also forgot to say that I am glad to see another mama doing yard sale finds for Christmas! We will be doing several of those and several homemade things!

  3. He is going to love it all!!! We wrapped all our yard sale Christmas presents for the girls. The wrapping was a bit tricky at times. lol. Thank goodness for bags and boxes! ;) I think we got the same exact floor rug for our oldest at a garage sale! She looooves her cars, so that will be fun for her. This was our first year doing mostly garage sale presents and I realized how much MORE the girls have because of it! Definitely weeded through some of it and put it in the consign pile! So excited to see your girls' presents!


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