Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pinterest Tuesday: It's November Edition

Wow!  I cant believe it's already November!!  Welcome back to Pinterest Tuesday!  Today should actually be called the I'm sorry it's a bit late we were out late Trick or Treating last night edition :), so I hope you will forgive me.  

We had some adorable ideas last week and I have a few favorites to highlight!

Christina at The Only Thing Pink in a World Gone Blue shared one of the easiest recipes I have ever seen (I dont cook so this is important) and they look SO yummy!!  These Pumpkin Bites will make a great holiday treat in our home.

Let Kids Create shared a yummy idea for eating out of a pumpkin!!  Now, I know Halloween is over, but this would make a great Thanksgiving idea, too (just leave off the smile face).

Relentlessly Fun, Deceptively Educational has a super fun idea to use a drum to help identify syllables in words.  Dont have a drum?  That's okay because she gives a tutorial on how to MAKE a drum.  

And Kristina from Mommy's Monkeys shared a whole post of fun learning trays.  My favorite was this open and close tray with fun activities inside each container.

If you were featured, be sure to grab a button for your blog!

I am looking forward to more ideas to feed my Pinterest addiction this week!  Spread the word, I'd love to see a TON of links this week!!

God Bless and Happy Pinning!


  1. Hmmmm, now I'm wondering if I used the featured button for my post...... Ha ha ha....... Those pumpkin bites look YUMMY!

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for featuring our syllable drum!! It was so fun to make and my son loved drumming out the syllables to the names of animals.

  3. Thanks for featuring my dinner in a pumpkin - the recipe could definitely be used all season long or you can cook whatever dish you like and bake it inside the pumpkin.

  4. Thank you so much for hosting this link up as i have met some great new people with great ideas


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