Thursday, December 1, 2011

TOS Review: Great Commission Languages, The Easy Spanish

As you may know, we have a Tia in our family.  Tia means 'Aunt' in Spanish.  Tia grew up in Panama and married our uncle over 5 years ago.  She speaks both English and Spanish, and so do our cousins.  Mustang has wanted to learn Spanish so she could practice with Aunt Tia.  So, we were really, really, excited when we found out that we were being sent a Spanish language program for review!!  And, let me tell you, we were even more excited when it arrived!

We received El Espanol Facil! or 'The Easy Spanish,', Junior Level, written by Maria Filion.  The Easy Spanish is one of the many great programs available from Great Commission Languages.  It is a three year language program for students in Kindergarten-Third Grade.  

It includes a beautifully illustrated spiral bound teacher's manual and two CDs.  The CDs include listening exercises, vocabulary, fun songs and PRINTABLES!!!

What do we think of The Easy Spanish??

Oh my goodness!!  We are in love with The Easy Spanish!!  Maria Filion and the Great Commission Languages have thought of EVERYTHING!!  True to their title, it is easy to follow, easy to prepare, and easy to teach-which makes a momma's dream come true!  

I feel up for the challenge of teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic, but add a different language in the mix and I am lost.  I loved that not only did The Easy Spanish have a nice little dialogue in each lesson to help us (yes US) learn the vocabulary, but they had a LIST of activities that we could choose to go with it.  You can choose which activities will appeal to your child. If the activity needed a printable, they made those and had them ready for printing on the CD set.  Above, Mustang is writing in her book, Yo Soy! (meaning, It's Me!), which is one of the printable sets included with The Easy Spanish.

On the disk, there is a great introduction on how to make The Easy Spanish work for you.  It really helped me understand what each piece of the program was for and took the guessing work out of the preparation.  You can watch the clip on their website here:  While you are there, you can also listen to some sample tracks from the disks.  

What I love the most are the disks themselves.  On each disk are a ton of printables and activity sheets and you can use over and over and over again.  You can use it for your family or even your co-op group (read here for more info on using with a group:!! As a mother of 4, knowing that we can use this program with all 4 kids is AWESOME!!  

The cost of The Easy Spanish may seem a little high at $69.95, but really its a STEAL!  First off, the program is set to be used for 3 years.  $70.00 over 3 years is just over $23.00 a year.  But, if you have 2 students that is now 6 years at $11.67 a year.  Or, if you have 4 children like I do, you will be using the program for a total of 12 years or $5.84 a year!  And on top if it all, I have only a small, easy to store, teacher's manual for my shelf instead of a bunch of workbooks and extras.
Now, I cant go as far as to say that my children are now speaking a second language fluently, but I am sure we are going to enjoy using The Easy Spanish to get there!  I highly recommend it for your family, too!  El Espanol Facil!, Junior Level can be purchased from Great Commission Languages.

If you would like to read more reviews before making your purchase, check out the TOS Crew Review Blog.

Feliz Navidad! and God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great I was just thinking about introducing Spanish to my children maybe an item for our Christmas wish list.


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