Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's Probably Nothing, But...

Wednesday I received two messages on my voice mail.  The first was from our pediatrician.  It said to please call their office.  The second was from another doctors office saying that we had been referred to their office and they could get us in Monday.  Not exactly the kind of messages I like to get.

So, I quickly call the ped's office.  I am told that our Dr is concerned about how slowly Explorer's billirubin levels came down.  They were coming down, and nearly gone, but at a slower then normal rate.  She had called another Dr at the Children's Hospital and together they felt it was best if we took Explorer in to see if there are any underlying issues.  They said it's probably nothing, but they want to be safe.

I'll be honest, I started questioning whether this was necessary,  And, the fact that Children's is nearly 3 hours away and it's the week of Christmas didnt help my reluctance to make the appointment.  I mean, she LOOKS healthy, as the jaundice is gone and she is growing like a weed-already doubled her birth weight.  And, I really didnt want to drive down!

So, I started praying.  Praying that a few phone calls to the Dr.'s office would change her opinion.  Praying that speaking with my husband, he would say that we werent going to go.  Praying that in posting to Facebook I would get enough friends who agreed with me and would give me the courage to say we weren't going.  My prayers were answered...but not the way I wanted.

Calling the Dr.'s office I asked about doing another blood draw in hopes that she was finally in the normal level range.  That's when I found out they were worried about the speed and not the level.  Speaking with my DH, he left it up to me, but was reluctant to say we shouldnt go.  Speaking with my friends on Facebook actually produced my most convincing results to change my mind. I received an email from a high school friend who is now the pediatric hepatology nurse coordinator at another hospital.  In other words, she works in the exact same department as the one we would be going to-just somewhere else.  I dont know about you, but it isnt everyday that I have someone who works in the exact medical field I have questions about pipe up to give advice.  My best bet is usually some article I found on Google (that sends me into a panic attack because of all the 'what ifs' lol).  So, yeah, I am pretty sure God answered my prayers with a "No, you should go."

So, we are going.  Tomorrow morning, bright and early, Explorer and I are headed into Children's Hospital for an 8 am ultrasound.  She cant eat after 4 am-so that out to be interesting.  Years ago I used to volunteer at this hospital at Christmas time (when I lived nearby not in the middle of nowhere).  I went to spread cheer to the families having to deal with health issues during the holiday season.  I never once dreamed I would someday be one of them.  I'm glad I was able to get most of my Christmas preparations done early.

It might sound weird, but I'm a little worried about how everything has worked out.  Apparently, there is usually a 2 month wait to see this Dr.  BUT, the day we were referred there was a cancellation and the receptionist made a point to save it for us before she had even spoken with us.  Again, I'm so thankful about the quick appointment, but a little worried, too.

I know that there is probably nothing, and that is what everyone has said, but, I would still appreciate your prayers that Explorer is the healthy little girl that we think she is.  Either way, I am thankful that the Lord seems to be making it obvious that He is going before us in this situation.  I know that He is in control and that He will be glorified no matter the outcome!    

I pray that you are all having a great Christmas season and are getting ready to celebrate the best gift of all, our Lord Jesus.  

Merry Christmas and God Bless!


  1. For as hard as it is, and while it is probably just fine, I think God is telling you to go. I will be praying for safe travels, and for God to reveal His plan.

  2. Praying for you and Explorer. Amazing how God is working though and how you got that appointment!

  3. We will keep your family and little explorer in our prayers this week!!! Praying for a good report! :) Merry Christmas to you and yours friend.

  4. I'll be praying! Try not to worry! God is in control and He's with you! Hugs from MN!

  5. Praying for sweet little Explorer! How long until you get the results? Praying for an easy trip and for Explorer to be happy and content even when hungry!

  6. I'll be thinking about you and your little one this week!
    <3 Good Luck <3

  7. I will be praying for a safe trip there and back and a healthy report for Explorer.

  8. Thinking of you, and looking forward to reading a update post that says it WAS nothing.

  9. My thoughts are with you. I hope you get quick validation that she's just as healthy as she seems and you can begin the holiday without a worry. Prayers for you all ...


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!