Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Unexpected...and Unwanted Phone Call

So, it appears that Wednesdays are not our day around here lately.  Last week, we received our first calls to go and have Explorer checked out at the Children's Hospital in the big city.  This week, well, we got another call.

It appears that Explorer's liver enzymes are still elevated.  The Dr didn't expect them to be elevated.  Apparently, if blood is drawn through the heal-like Explorers was at our local hospital-it can actually traumatize it slightly and he thought the elevated enzymes were due to that.  But, at the Children's Hospital, they used a tube in Explorers arm...and they are still elevated.

I received the call yesterday afternoon from the same receptionist that had saved our initial appointment.  She has been there 20 years, and I think she has some pull around the office.  That was a big help yesterday.  She explained the the Dr wanted to see Explorer for a follow up.  I was honest with her when I said that I was told there wouldn't be another appointment unless something was wrong.  She asked me to hold on a minute, and then told me that the Dr wanted to speak with me.

The Dr himself was willing to discuss with me Explorer's high enzymes (though silly me forgot to ask what the levels were).  He also told me that he would like to see us on the 4th of January.  He followed that up with, I'm not usually in that day, but I really want her to come back soon so I'm making an appointment for her.  Is that a good time for you?  I could come later in the day if you needed.

First off-WOW-a Dr that is working an appointment just for us.  Second off-Uh oh-this is possibly pretty serious.

I have done many Google searches, and it does seem that elevated liver enzymes of any sort in a baby is an indication that something is going wrong in the liver.  It could be inflamed, damaged, or being attacked.  What that something is, we do not know, but the goal now is to find out.  We DO know that it is not enlarged, nor does it have any growths or tumors.  So that is good news!

I have been amazed at how the Lord has continued to go before us in this.  For an early Christmas present, my husband purchased me 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I had a number of books on my list, but this one was available in Kindle format, so he picked it.  Oh, how the words that the Lord has given Ann to write in her book are exactly what I have been needing to prepare my heart for this journey.  He has been challenging me to trust Him in the highs and the lows of life, and believe that He will extend enough grace to cover my heart no matter what valley or mountain top He leads me through.

He has also been providing us amazing relatives and friends who are willing to lift us up and cover us in prayer.  We are so thankful for those of you who have been doing so!  If you wouldn't mind, I would ask if you would continue to remember my little Explorer in your prayers for a bit.  Please pray for healing, and an easy answer to her high levels.  Please also pray that the Alpha 1 is negative.  After reading about it, it is not a simple thing at all, there isnt a cure from what I can see.  

On a positive note, we are all ready for Christmas and looking forward to spending time with our amazing families.  The children have been wrapping presents for each other tonight and it has warmed my heart to watch them pick the paper and the tags for their brother or sisters.  It is also so fun to have that short amount of one on one time with each of them.  I am so thankful for each of my little arrows, and pray that God is molding them to be used by Him in the perfect way.

I pray that you are preparing for the celebration of Jesus' arrival as well!!

Merry Christmas and God Bless You!


  1. We are praying for all of you. God is with you, as you say going before you. Trust Him, He has brought you to a team who is not going to take any chances. Google can make things sound pretty scary, I am not saying not to research, but lean on God and the wisdom of the Dr who is treating her.

  2. Praying now for your precious one.

  3. I will continue to pray.

    Enjoy your Christmas!

  4. You and your family will stay in my thoughts, think positive, you can get through this, so will explorer!

  5. I am so sorry to hear about this! Your family will be in our prayers. I hope the Lord blesses you with a Merry Christmas!

  6. Praying for you! And I agree with the 1000 Gifts book! It has really changed my view on things...and I am using it as Christmas gifts. Thanks for keeping us posted, it really helps us to be specific in our prayers!

  7. Boo! Not what I wanted to read on your blog today! I will certainly be praying for Explorer and your family! Very cool that the doctor and nurse were looking out for you guys!

  8. I'll be praying for you. I pray God calms you as only He can.

  9. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this news. Still, it may not be a huge deal. Remember that there is a lot of misinformation on the web, and try not to obsess too much. (Easy to say - I would be a mess.) It sounds like you have a phenomenal doctor, and that is great news. Hugs to all of you. Stay strong. I will keep Explorer in my thoughts.

  10. I'm sorry to hear that Explorer's liver enzymes are still elevated. I hope you were all able to have a wonderful Christmas anyway. I'll continue to pray for Explorer and your family. Wishing you and your family many blessings in 2012. Deb @

  11. Soooo praying for little Explorer and the rest of you!! Sending lots and lots of hugs your way too!

  12. praying for you and for your little Explorer. Love your blog.

    Thanks for following me.


  13. This is the first time I've come across your blog, but I just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you!

    I can't imagine being in your position, but you sound like a wonderful lady, praising God through this trial.


  14. I have been following your posts on my phone over the holidays and praying for your sweet little girl. I hope everything is going well!


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!