Friday, January 13, 2012

My 500th Post!!

I started this blog on January 11th, 2009!!  It is amazing how fast the time has gone!!

In just 3 years time I:

Went from having 2 children to 4!!

Went from being a city girl to a country girl!

Went from being an accountant's wife to a farmer's wife!

Moved twice!

Went from being a brand new homeschooler of a preschooler to an 'experienced' homeschooler of a Kindergarten/first grader who knows how to read!!

And still have the most awesome God orchestrating this crazy life of mine so I can write about it and share it with you.  

Thank you so much for riding this road with me!  I am so blessed to have you all as my friends, family, and followers.  You have made this journey so much fun!  

It is just unbelievable how exciting the last 3 years and 500 posts have been.  Lord willing, the next 3 will be just as great!

God Bless and thanks for reading!!


  1. Congrats on the 500th post! I haven't been around in awhile and I missed the new addition to your family! Many continued blessings to you:)

  2. wooohoo can't wait to see what the next 500 hold!

  3. Congrats, and Happy Blogiversary! What an amazing three years you've had. And your blog is a wonderful resource and keepsake! :) Deb @


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!