Saturday, February 11, 2012

Learning to Serve

Over the last few weeks, Mustang has had two special opportunities to serve others.  I have to say, I was very proud of her participation!

Our small group got to serve at our church soup kitchen.  Each Tuesday night, they offer dinner and Bible Study at our inner city location.  

We served chicken and noodles, veggies, rolls, and apple crisp.  Our fearless leader is an AMAZING COOK!

We also served cookies, which Mustang helped put out.

And lemonade!

To about 90 people!

Mustang was a little young to help serve the actual food, but she did an amazing job of helping people take their food to their seat.  Some of the visitors were elderly or had small children and needed an extra hand or two.  She and I did this job together.  We were the dinning room waitresses, offering to get refills, more helpings, and extra napkins to anyone who wanted them.  It was a lot of fun and a unique chance to serve with my daughter and hubby!

For her second service project, Mustang got to paint.  She loves to paint so this was a fun one for her!

A local charity is holding a fundraising event very soon.  At the event, attendees will receive a bowl of soup for their meal.  They will get to take home to bowl that their soup is in.

The organization needed 1000 bowls painted by local school children.  And, due to one of our homeschool mommies being on their volunteer board...that includes HOMESCHOOL children :).

Mustang painted a BEAUTIFUL bowl!  When she found out she would not get to keep her work of art, she almost said no.  I was very proud of her for doing it anyways!  I have to admit, after seeing her bowl I was the one having a hard time letting it go.  I will have to have her make some bowls for me, too :).

With this week being Valentine's Day, I encourage you to find some places where your children can serve.  It's a lot of fun and very rewarding.

Thanks for reading and God Bless!!


  1. What great opportunities for Mustang to learn to serve!! What a beautiful bowl she made!


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