Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mini Coopers Montessori Tot School Wrap Up

Mini Cooper is 2 1/2 years.  She is at the very beginning of the Montessori Primary cycle.  It is an interesting age.  She is very eager to try the things that interest her, and to do them over and over.  She is also very interested in making messes with the work she uses, which tries my patience!  We are trying to find a middle ground :).

Some of the things she has worked on over the last few weeks:

Practical life:

Pouring beads between a jug and two votive holders 'cups.'  She was so pleased with herself.  

Lacing beads, or in her case sorting them.

Spooning lentils.


Geometric presentation tray.

Showing off her completed pink tower.

Creating her own extensions.

Touch boards.  Her response to the rough side was 'ouch!'


Working on her pincher grasp to put marbles on a duck.

Matching pictures.

Sorting animals and things.

Another pincher grabber, moving little chicks from one crate to the other.  Next week this will be a practical life exercise when I add tongs :).

I found the little chicks at Hobby Lobby.

We have been having a lot of fun!  Thanks for stopping by!

God Bless!!

We are linked up:

Montessori Monday
 Tot School


  1. Looks like you've been busy! My son is the same age and does a lot of the same types of work. It's so fun to watch him learn!

  2. Wonderful activities! I love that Mini Cooper is enjoying her work so much! Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

  3. So much fun! And I agree such a fun/interesting age! :)


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