Monday, April 16, 2012

Montessori Monday: Geography and Landforms

First off, I hope you all had a great Easter week!  Mustang spent the last week in an art camp and I carted her 1/2 each way back and forth all week.  Then Mini Cooper got sick, and we ended the week with our yearly gymnastics night with our Homeschool Co-op, so I'm sorry for not doing much blogging lately! 

Our Montessori road has been going pretty well, IMO.  I'm still working on trying to figure out how much is too much to expect in a day, and which works to present to whom when, but I think those are good problems to have. 

Here's what we have been up to in our group lessons over the last couple weeks:

Sandpaper globe.  Supposed to teach how the land is water (smooth blue) and land (sandpaper).  They were mostly interested in how it spins around...  BTW, I purchased this globe from an eBay seller.  The quality is crummy.  I would recommend going through Allison's.

Landforms have been SO MUCH FUN!!!


We did them together at our kitchen table.  I still am not okay with much water in the school room, maybe someday.  

I poured in our blue water, and then they looked at them.

But of course, swimming is much more fun!

We did a set a day for 7 different days.

One warm day, we took the landforms outside.

They took turns with the sets, and I game them each a small pitcher of water.  I started out letting them add the blue food coloring, until Mini Cooper decided to color her hair when I ran inside for more water.  Then I just added it myself.

They really like to flood their landforms.

Pouring the water back into his jug.

We also explored waterscapes and properties of water thanks to our recent review book What On Earth?.  You can read about it here.

Mustang worked on the three part cards and definitions.

Charger worked on just the 3-part cards.  

The cards really helped in trying to remember what the landforms are actually called.

And then we went on to the continents globe (a good one from Allison's).  But, that's for another day!

Thanks for stopping by!!  God Bless!!

We're linked up!

Montessori Monday


  1. I love the idea of taking the landforms outside.You definetly will be seeing those on my blog enjoying the great outdoors, I'll be sure to link back. I bet we brought the globe from the same seller, mine is crummy too. Nice photos!! Thank you for the inspiration!!

  2. What fun!! The landforms look like a blast to me!


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