Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Montessori Monday with Explorer!

Yes, you read that right!  It's Explorer's turn for the spotlight this week. 

 When she isn't napping, Explorer joins us in the school room, too.  There isn't a lot she can do since she doesn't sit or crawl just yet.  But, she loves to just be there with us and watch what we are doing.  I have plans to add a baby area to our room, but it's not done (or um, started) yet.

I do try to provide her with an object to Explorer on her mat.  Hopefully, this will help her get used to the idea of working on a mat, and learn about something new.

Last week, I added a mirror to the room just for her.  She LOVED it.  This isn't a new idea.  I have read many times about putting a mirror in a Montessori baby's environment.  She doesn't have her own space anywhere in our house, and likely never will, so I thought the school room would be a great place to put it.

It didn't take long until Explorer was joined by her siblings.  Apparently, mirrors aren't just for babies.  They have been have a wonderful time with this in our room.  It's kept Explorer busy for quite awhile, too!

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless!!

We're linked up: 

Montessori Monday Tot School


  1. so cute!! I love that last picture! Sammy still loves to do things in front of his reflection.. either a mirror or our sliding glass door!

  2. Beautiful baby girl! Wonderful idea to add the mirror to give her something of her own work. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I LOVE this! Your mat with an object is sweet, and I always love mirrors for babies! Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and pinned it to my Babies - Activities and Ideas Pinterest board at http://pinterest.com/debchitwood/babies-activities-and-ideas/


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