Sunday, December 16, 2012

Resisting the Urge to Get Just a Few More Gifts

Last night I was on Facebook.  Across my feed came a link a friend had posted for a Barbie Princess Charm School Playset, on 1/2 price.  This caught my eye because it was one of the #1 items on Mustang's list last year.  At nearly $40.00 I had talked myself out of buying it for her then.  It had a lot of pieces, looked kinda junky, wasn't worth the money, etc, etc.

This year, though Mustang still enjoys the movie, the playset wasn't really on her list.  But, when I saw that $16.00 price tag-with free shipping since we are prime members-I clicked right on over.  Thankfully, something {probably some One} stopped me.  In years past, I would have happily purchase the item, but this year, I'm trying so hard to only purchase items intentionally.

If you are like me, this last week before Christmas, is the time when our 'Did I do enough?' kicks into overdrive.  And, with discounted wants, the desire becomes SO STRONG!!

I started trying to justify my purchase by making a quick spreadsheet to show myself how her gifts weren't 'as good' as the other kids' gifts.  But they were.  I tried to tell myself that she would be happier with this present then the others.  And, while that may be true, she will not be unhappy with what I had already bought her.  She doesn't know I almost bought the playset.

In my final attempt to appease my materialistic side {which is apparently quite strong, sigh}, I went into the closet where our gifts are stashed.  I pulled EVERYTHING out.  All of it.  I sorted stuff by child and made piles.  I even did a mock run of stocking stuffing.

And that, my friends, was the turning point.

I bought a lot of our gifts ahead this year, at yard sales and such.  Even though I knew what gifts we had, until I set them all out and looked at them, it was easy to forget how nice the purchased items were.

Seeing all the STUFF laid out on the bed, awaiting Christmas morning.  I knew we had ENOUGH!  Knowing that there would be 2 Christmases at 2 Grandparents' houses in addition to the gifts we had made me wonder if we still had too much stuff.

I really do need to get a package of candy canes, and I seriously don't have a gift for my own mother {my perfectionist side is also being difficult}, but I don't need more for my children.  More gifts won't make Christmas better, but they will make me poorer, and I will be wishing we had less for the rest of the year!

I don't think I am alone in this!  Stay strong mommas.  Your babies don't want more gifts this year.  They want more of you!!

I do hope that your Christmas is a good one!  So thankful that God sent us the one gift we really did need, Jesus.

Merry Christmas,

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