I have to admit, that even though I felt a little bad I was still proud of Mustang's response to her gifts. She looked at them and she wished more of her wish list was there. To be fair, her list included a laptop, video camera, iPad, cell phone, Barbie movie and a money counting jar. She had already received the Barbie movie, but nothing else on her list (Santa brought the money counting jar the next day).
Clearly disappointed, but trying to be thankful, she said 'Maybe I'm just tired, Mom.' Of course that made me feel a bit guilty, but obviously I couldn't have filled her list unless I went way over budget. Opening the marshmallow shooters and engaging in a family war improved her mood and she was ready to check out the gifts that weren't on her list. Turns out she did like them!
One of my favorite Veggie Tales movies of all time is Madame Blueberry. If you haven't seen it, the jest is this blueberry (no not a veggie) is very blue. She wants to be happy. She tries to buy her happiness by visiting the newly opened Stuff Mart. Madame Blueberry fills so many carts that her house ends up falling down under the weight of the new items.
At one point, she looks up at the sales men and asks "What isle are the happy hearts in?" They look at each other, eager to make a sale, and are very disappointed to admit that-of all the many things they carry in their store-they didn't have happy hearts.
But their store is not alone, you can't buy happy hearts. Our happiness doesn't come from new cars, toys, clothes, houses, vacations, or even even from owning nothing.
True happiness comes from knowing Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
This Christmas thing isn't really about toys or ham or even spending time with family. Not really. They are great add-ons. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the one and only thing we ever really need. That missing piece that makes us complete. Jesus is 'The Reason for the Season.' He's also the reason for living, dying, and everything else we do in life.
For most of you, you are thinking. I know that. I know that true happiness comes from Christ.
So then, why are you trying to do His job by filling your home and life with stuff??? Why are you trying to fill that void with anything but Him?
If you replace Him with stuff, your house will be like Madame Blueberry's. So full of stuff that it FALLS DOWN. No not the building (at least probably not). I'm talking about the home you are trying so hard to build for your children.
Proverbs 14:1 "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."
Are you building a home that helps lead your children to Christ, or a home that is full of replacements?
As you spend this week contemplating the year of 2012 and look forward to 2013, challenge yourself to ask hard questions. Have you spent your money, time, and things wisely this year? Is it time to make some changes?
I know that I have been very convicted of these things the last few months, and I pray that God will carry me this next year-showing me what things are taking up His place in our home.
I am not Madame Blueberry, God has already filled me with His happiness. It is time for me to start living like it. I pray that you will join me.
I also pray you are having a wonderful Christmas week!
God Bless,
I understand totally how you feel. My oldest remembers when he was the only child and ALL the gifts under the tree were for HIM. As he got older and more siblings arrived he realized that there were not MORE gifts under the tree but just less for him. Since I had to divide my budget between multiple kids now I could no longer keep up with the gift giving he was used to. 2 years ago my son was 10 and it was the first Christmas I had 4 kids to buy for my son was going through his stocking while I was still in bed and he came in all teary eyed and sad and said that his stocking was not as full as the other kids and that Santa must have thought he wasn't very good that year.( he had more expensive items in it though that were much smaller so it did look less full) It totally broke my heart he knows now that there is no Santa and that it was me who did so he understand a family budget but it still broke my heart.
I understand totally how you feel. My oldest remembers when he was the only child and ALL the gifts under the tree were for HIM. As he got older and more siblings arrived he realized that there were not MORE gifts under the tree but just less for him. Since I had to divide my budget between multiple kids now I could no longer keep up with the gift giving he was used to. 2 years ago my son was 10 and it was the first Christmas I had 4 kids to buy for my son was going through his stocking while I was still in bed and he came in all teary eyed and sad and said that his stocking was not as full as the other kids and that Santa must have thought he wasn't very good that year.( he had more expensive items in it though that were much smaller so it did look less full) It totally broke my heart he knows now that there is no Santa and that it was me who did so he understand a family budget but it still broke my heart.
Wonderful post!!! So true!
Whenever I watch that veggietales movie it makes me want to get rid of everything! I think this was the first year I didn't go overboard with Sammy and he really liked everything he got. He, however, didn't ask for anything.. we have never asked him what he wants.. so he was just happy to get something he would like. I know in future years he will be asking for things and I don't really look forward to not being able to get everything on the list!
"I'm so blueeee bluhoo bluehooo hooo" :) I love that one :) Great post and so very true!
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