Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Bible Series on the History Channel-A Giveaway!

By now, you have likely heard about The Bible Series that is coming to the History Channel! If not, you need to!

Executive Producers Roma Downey {you might remember her from Touched by an Angel} and Mark Burnett {Survivor,  Apprentice, and Roma's husband} have teamed up to bring us an epic 10-part mini-series that brings the Bible to life.  Retelling the stories from Genesis to Revelation in a way you've not seen it before!!  The clips I have seen are beautiful!!

They filmed the movie in Morocco and it took over 5 months just to do the filming.  They chose Morocco to give it the most realistic look possible.  Because they wanted to tell the true story of the Bible!  The more I read about The Bible Series, the more I'm just so excited by the mission Roma Downey and Mark Burnett had for making this miniseries!

Their goal is to show the Bible is not "just a collection of unconnected stories which are often discussed and analyzed in snippets with chapter and verse numbers.  Instead, we wanted to show  how the Old Testament connects seamlessly to the New Testament.  How they are one sweeping story with one grand, overriding message:  God loves each one of us as if we were the only person in the world to love." {quote from Huffington Post Religion Blog emphasis added}

And, while I personally have not yet seen The Bible Series {it starts tomorrow ;)}, I know that many respected church leaders have and recommend it.  One of these is Focus on the Family President Jim Daly.  He gives his opinion and a trailer clip on his blog.

I love the quote from Roma Dowery that Mr. Daly shares:   It's our story.  We can identify and relate with the characters because their situations might be 2,000 years ago, but the things that they're feeling and experiencing, the dynamics that are going on within their families, it's the same issues that we have today.  Human nature hasn't changed that much.  The mistakes that the characters are making back then, we're still making those mistakes today. "

The Bible Series will air in 10-1 hour segments:

  • The Beginning-Noah, Abraham through Jacob, Israel begins
  • The Exodus-Pharaoh, Moses, Red Sea, and Ten Commandments
  • The Homeland-Joshua, Samson, Judges, David and Goliath
  • The Kingdom-David, Saul, Solomon
  • The Survival-Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Jews return to Jerusalem
  • The Revolution-Roman, birth of Christ, John the Baptist, Jesus and Peter
  • The Mission-Pharisees, Jesus, miracles, Disciples
  • The Betrayal-Last Supper, Judas, Peter's Denial
  • The Passion-Nicodemus, Caiaphis, Pilate, Crucifixion, Resurrection
  • The Courage-Jesus returns, Holy Spirit comes, Disciples die, John survives death, exiled to Patmos,  Revelation
***Mark mentions in the comments below that the History Channel appears to be doubling up on episodes, so be sure to check your local listings so you don't miss any of them!!***

Wow!!  The more I read about The Bible Series, the more I want to see it!!!  So what to do while we wait??  Play Bible trivia of course!!  The promoters of The Bible Series have put together this fun little blogger app to let us play {down at the bottom of this post}!

Here's how it works, you go and take the quiz and then come back and tell me what your score is!!  And, if you do that-there may be a prize for you!  

I've been asked to host a giveaway for one of the official The Bible companion books:

A Story of God and All of Us (hardcover)
A Story of God and All of Us (reflections)
A Story of God and All of Us (young readers version)

Now, my winner will randomly get one of the books.  I don't know which one, but they all look awesome!!

So, go take the quiz, and leave a comment below with your answer and you are entered to win the giveaway.  It's that simple!!  The giveaway will end next Sunday, March 10th, 2013 at midnight {central}.  {US address only, no PO Boxes, be sure to include an email address so I can contact you.}

I will give you one little tip-the quiz app not only scores your answer, but how QUICKLY you answer!  That affected my score so I wanted you to know!

Good luck and be sure to watch The Bible Series TOMORROW night, Sunday, March 3, 2013 on The History Channel at 8/7 central!

God Bless!!!

Disclosure:  I was asked by the Partner's Hub to host this giveaway.  I was not personally compensated in any way.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.  


  1. I got a 44% debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  2. Received an 83%.

    Linda (from the Crew)<><

  3. I got a score of 75% on the quiz. Thanks :)


  4. I received a 100% - thanks for the tip on the speed playing into it. ;)

  5. I made an 82%. I had trouble with the speed thing. lol Thank you for the great giveaway! This is really great!

  6. I got an 82%. :) Thank you for the giveaway!


  7. For more chances to win, Renewed Strength has also partnered with The History Channel to offer a free "The Bible" companion book giveaway!
    Visit Renewed Strength to enter daily!

  8. I got 79%, which seems a bit embarrassing. Perhaps I was a bit slow to answer.

  9. I like the fact that you took the time to engage people in "The Bible" series ahead of time! I noticed that somehow the History Channel must have changed the way they structured the episodes. It seems they "doubled up", putting 2 parts together in one 2h segment. And updated list of episodes can be found here: <a href="" target="_blank”>The Bible History Channel Miniseries Episode Guide</a>

    Thank you again for getting the word out!

  10. You are more than welcome! I just noticed how weird the link looked I left earlier. Here it is again, "cleaned up", so people can actually get there if they so like ;)

  11. Hi Lisa, I just found out that Mark Burnett finished editing the MOVIE VERSION of "The Bible" miniseries. I created a new lens to keep people updated on his efforts to spread the Word around the world! You can find it here:

    It's supposed to be released this Fall! How cool is that?


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!