Thursday, April 4, 2013

C is for Celebration!

Blogging Through the Alphabet

I guess that I really should start with B is for Bad Blogger who missed the letter B!  But, I will skip that and move right on to letter C :).

This last weekend we went on vacation.  True, some would not consider packing 4 little children in a mini-van and driving over 500 miles to somewhere cold and in the middle of nowhere a vacation, but I would :).  You see, it wasn't where we were going, it was why.  And, most importantly, who we would see.

Saturday, my husband's grandmother-my children's great-grandmother.  Turned 90 YEARS OLD!!!  Now that's something to celebrate!!  And celebrate, we did!!

Let me tell you a little bit about Grandma.  She lives in the same house that she moved into with her husband about 65 years ago.  She still lives there WITH her husband!!  Yes, Grandpa is still alive at 88-marrying a younger man has it's advantages.  She is one of if not THE sweetest, most inspiring, women I have ever met-and you would say the same if you met her.  Everyone does!

She has 9 children (8 living), 33 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren and one on the way.  She has made a quilt for EVERY.SINGLE.ONE OF THEM.  She makes baby quilts when they are born (though she didn't start that until after my DH was born, so he doesn't have a baby quilt) and makes them a quilt for their bed when they are married.  Between the children and DH, we have 5 quilts made by her.  

She cooks and gardens and keeps a warm and friendly house.  Always willing to pour a cup of coffee-caffeinated, even at 10 at night.  She writes the funniest poems and has the best sense of humor.  And, she genuinely wants to listen to what you have been doing in your life.

She has 5 groups of photos.  One of all her children, one of all her children's wedding photos, one of all her grand kids that are single, one of each grand kid and their spouse when they get married, and one table full of all her great-grand kids.  

She gave the children's story at church most weeks until just recently.  She and Grandpa were Gideon's and have a passion for reaching people with the Word of God.

We aren't exactly sure how she has lived so long. The funny thing is that she would rather not be here, lol!

She told me that when she heard about the party, she told her children not to plan it because she wasn't going to be here!  But, that was the night before her party.  I pointed out that we were glad she had made it and she is so blessed to be alive.  She looked and me and said, yes, but there is a better place then this, and I'm ready to go there :).  She is right.  There are so many wonderful things in this world, but the BEST is yet to come!!!

But, she made it to the party, so here are some photos from the wonderful day!

Some of the over 200 people that came to celebrate with us!

A Proverbs 31 woman for sure!!

She got a decree from the Governor!!

Our little family with Grandma and Grandpa.

After the party, we had a fireworks show!!  Evidently, one of her children promised fireworks if she made it to her 90th birthday.  And WOW were they some great fireworks!  The town she lives in was so dry last summer that they were unable to put on their annual fireworks display.  Well, one of her children was able to BUY them from the city at a steep discount, so we all watched the CITY fireworks display at her farm for her birthday!!!  It was really, really, cool.  Of course now everyone else wants fireworks for their 90th birthday-which could get expensive!!!

We had a great time visiting, celebrating, and then attending Easter services with our extended family.  Do you know how wonderful it is to look over and see SIX rows of people all related to you sitting in church?  Blessed.  I felt so blessed!!!  

Oh, and we also got to visit a dairy farm, which I will post about next week for the letter D :).  To see what other bloggers found for letter C, check out the linky at Ben and Me.

Hope you had a wonderful and blessed Easter!!

God Bless,


  1. Wow - what a great story! :-) Thanks for sharing. She sounds like a great lady!


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