Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mini Cooper and Explorer's School Day Outtakes

I haven't talked about my little girls much at all lately!  But, here are some things that they have been doing over the last few months.

Cards and counters using the sandpaper numbers (we don't have both).

Matching ladybug letter puzzles.

Working together on their quiet book.  I promise I will do a post on this soon!!

I picked up this fun eBoo Lotto game on vacation.  We just use it for matching.

Folding napkins.

More folding.

Explorer actually does a pretty good job of both stacking AND sorting now.  It's fun to see her progress.

We love the letter sound box books.  Mini Cooper likes to get them out all at the same time.

Looking at beach cards free from Montessori Materials.

Pouring water.  She LOVES this one!

Creating her own extensions with the knobless cylinders.

Explorer's puzzle skills have greatly improved.

She was quite pleased :).

Reading the letter books again.  I read them one each day, so they both enjoy them quite a bit.

The Triangle box has been a hit with Mini Cooper.

I have backed off the photo taking quite a bit lately, but I've got some 'how we do this' posts planned shortly that should hopefully make up for it.  

Thanks for stopping by and checking out our school week!
God Bless,

We're linked up:
Montessori Monday Tot School


  1. They are both getting so big! Love seeing what they have been up to during school time!

  2. I love that lots of great activities are simple to prepare! It's always fun to see the awesome work going on in your homeschool. Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow


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