Thursday, June 20, 2013

TOS Review: Baker Publishing Life with Lily & A New Home for Lily

Sometimes I wonder what it might have been like to be one of the first to review books like Little House on the Prairie or Anne of Green Gables, or maybe even the Ramona books.  Classics, that families would read for generations to come and pass down to their children.  Well, I NOW know what it's like!

I don't want to make my statement above seem light, I am well aware of how amazing each of those book sets are.  But, I am beyond honored to get to introduce you to-what I think-is a new series to add to that list.  These are the Adventures of  Lily Lapp from Mary Ann Kinsinger and Suzanne Woods Fisher, published by Baker Publishing Group.

These sweet books introduce us to the world of Lily Lapp.  She, as you can see from the photo is an Amish girl.  At the beginning of the first book, Life with Lily Lapp, she is 5 years old. The books follow Lily as she grows.  She is a sweet, fun loving, honest sort of girl.  Who, like many other first born 5 and 6 year-old's find themselves in trouble more then they expected.

She goes through adventures such as a new baby in the house (who she thinks God dropped off), cutting her hand on sheers (when she was trying to be helpful of course), going to school for the first time, changing teachers from one she loves-to one she doesn't like and learning not to scare her brothers (that her mother's legs have been cut off by a chain saw).

We get glimpses into Amish life with stories of church, school, prayer time, horse and buggy rides, special dresses, lanterns, and every day chores.

I let Mustang read the books first.  I have to say it was hard to find her for the first couple of days after.  She was always found reading.  It took her a little over a week to read book one, and she is about 1/2 way through book two.  She reads at a 4th grade level.  

She often showed up for meals in a different world.  It was hard to get her to put them down :).

Mustang tells me that her favorite part is when the schoolhouse had a mouse in it.  Everyone was afraid and jumped up on their desks.  But, they opened the door so it would run out.  Very cute!

By the end of the first book, Lily is 7 years old and her family is moving from New York to Pennsylvania.  It is a bittersweet time for their family, and they will miss their friends and family.

A New Home for Lily begins with the Lapp family getting settled in Pennsylvania.  Lily's adventures continue.  Some are fun kid like, others are day to day life-like the cow dying and getting cheated by another family.  Lily also gets to meet her aunt and uncle who move from another Amish community to live by them.  

Just as cute, funny as the first one!

Author Mary Ann Kinsinger grew up in a old order Amish community.  As an adult, she and her husband chose to leave the community.  But, her first hand experiences add depth and accuracy to the writings.  Mary Ann blogs at A Joyful Chaos

Author Suzanne Woods Fisher has written many titles about Amish life, including Amish Values for Your Family, which I own and very much enjoyed!  Ms Fisher hosts a radio show called Amish Wisdom.  You can connect with her on her web-site

Also, while I was searching around for information about the authors, I found out that Lily Lapp has a website!!  There are games, recipies, information about the authors, information about the Amish, a place to ask Lily questions and more!!  Mustang is going to LOVE it and I can't wait to show it to her!!

Each Lily Lapp book is about 36-40 chapters long.  They retail for $12.99 and can be purchased in either paperback or e-book.  Recommended for ages 8-12.

I can tell you we are already waiting for the 3rd title to arrive and hope there will be many more books in this adorable series!  But, you may want to see what others have to say about Lily.  Be sure to check out the crew blog to find out.

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  1. Boo said last night that after reading these books she feels she understands a little more about the Amish way of life...she wants to read more!

  2. My daughter wants to read these now:)
    We read the excerpt of the first book on the website. They do look as charming as Little House books.


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