Monday, September 30, 2013

A Birthday Interview

Last week was Mustang's EIGHTH birthday.  Yes, I am feeling old, and that time goes way too fast!  But, I wanted to remember this sweet time in her life with a little interview.  I am sure we will look back at this someday and wish she was still just eight :).

What was the best thing that happened to you while you were seven?  That I got to go down the huge water slide at the swimming pool.

What is your favorite color?  Red

What is you favorite book?  American Girl Books

What is your favorite TV show?  Superbook

What is your favorite food?  Ice cream

What do you like to do when you have free time?  Chase my brothers and sisters.

What is something you want to learn this year?  Science

What is something you want to do this year?  Have a sleep over

What do you plan to do with your birthday money?  Buy things for my American Girl doll

What do you want to be when you grow up?  An animal farmer's wife

Getting answers from her was kind of a challenge, lol.  My normally talkative daughter clammed right up.  I'll probably get more answers this week after she thinks about it all day :).  But those were the quick answers.

Actually, I can elaborate on the animal farmer's wife.  She wants to have a small farm that has lots of different animals and wants to help her husband take care of them.  I think she wants to be a homesteader :).  I'd be interested to see if that is what happens!

Looking forward to this new year of craziness.  I have heard that when you are 8 and 9 years old, you are the most like you will be when you are an adult.  So, I'm looking forward to getting to know my daughter.  Praying that the Lord will open her heart to His will for her life this year and that He will do amazing things through her energetic spirit!

We have another birthday today, Explorer's, but I'll save that for another blog post :).

God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your big girl!!! I love the interview! I think the what I want to be when I grow up answer is my favorite!!!


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