Wednesday, September 11, 2013

TOS Review: Logic of English

Over the last month we have been reviewing Rhythm of Handwriting from Logic of English.  We have been trying out the cursive handwriting book.

I will be honest, before we received it, I was a little unsure what we would think.  I wasn't quite *sure* I was ready for Mustang to start learning cursive handwriting.  But, I figured that it was as good as any to give it a try!  Boy, am I glad we did!

We were sent The Logic of English Cursive Handwriting by Denise Eide, which was just renamed The Rhythm of Handwriting.  We also received The Rhythm of Handwriting Cursive Chart.

Each school day, I requested that Mustang try the handwriting book (after the review period it will be added to her work plan and she can choose if she wants to work on it or not).  She was willing to try it out, and actually was very excited about it.  This curriculum is super duper easy to use!

Presentation of a letter was very simple.  We would read the letter description at the top of each page together.

Then, we would take turns tracing out the letter on the sample lines.  I DO really wish we would have had a set of tactile/sandpaper letters to work with.  I am going to have to get some very soon.  This presentation took all of about 10 minutes.  Afterwards, Mustang would go and work on her handwriting for about 20 minutes.

Different from other curricula I remember as a child, there are no tracer lines.  Simply, there are three lines.  The first sets are small, and the sets get wider as you go down the page.  Mustang remarked that the smaller letters are much easier to write.

The book is separated into lowercase and then uppercase letters.

The lowercase are then divided into:

  • swing letters
  • curve letters
  • loop letters
  • bump letters
The uppercase letters are divided into

  • roll letters
  • loop letters
  • circle letters
  • slash letters
  • miscellaneous letters
There are also sections where the letters are combined to make words, showing how the letters flow together.

At the beginning of each letter lesson, there is a description on how to form that letter.  The descriptions are short, easy to understand, and they work!  But, what if you want to go back to a letter you already wrote and don't feel like turning all the pages in the book?  Well that is what the cursive chart is for!

The chart is a thick, glossy card stock. Very sturdy and the colors are very eye catching.  The helpful letter descriptions all in one place!

We have chosen to do one or two letters at a time-usually Mustang tires after one.  At that rate, we will likely be working on this book for quite some time!  But, I can certainly see that she is learning from The Logic of English!

I had read many times that Maria Montessori felt children should learn cursive before manuscript.  She gave all these reasons why, but I had a hard time accepting this one of her ideas!  After all, I learned manuscript first and came out just fine.  But, after seeing the cursive lessons in motion, I am having a change of heart!

I really enjoyed reading over an article on the Logic of English website called Why Teach Cursive First.  The article gives many great reasons why to bypass manuscript and go straight to cursive.

What I really enjoyed is that this curriculum is so easy, that I will be able to implement it with any age that I want to.  I am very likely to go ahead and start Mini Cooper on her cursive letters rather then manuscript.

The Rhythm of Handwriting retails for just $15.00 and the Cursive Chart retails for $10.00.  If you check out the product page, there are a number of sample downloads to view if you would like to try before you buy.  Also, the company JUST changed the cover of the book, so be sure to look for the one above rather then the one we tried out.

Overall, I think The Rhythm of Handwriting is a good product!  It is easy to use, affordable, and it works!  Other members of the crew tried out this program, and others tried some of the other products from The Logic of English.  Be sure to check out the crew blog and see what they thought!

Thanks for stopping by!
God Bless,

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1 comment:

  1. I had the pleasure of meeting Denise Eide at our state homeschool convention and she was amazing. She had a lot of wonderful hands on activities for teaching reading! I almost bought the cursive package while I was there!


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