Thursday, January 16, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up 2014 Week 2

Well, to be honest with you, this was a VERY short week.  All of 2 school days, and one of them shortened, lead to not a lot to blog about.  But, I am determined to keep up with our weeks this year, so I am still going to share our short week.


We did not have any 'real' school.  But, we took a field trip to see if baby #5 was a boy or a girl.  If you haven't seen it, you may want to see our posted results, here.

Then we headed off to celebrate with an ice cream and playtime!


We read about John Quincy Adams in our president's book, then began work on our Claude Monet paintings.

In Bible, we watched Daniel and the Lion's Den from Superbook.


We continued our state studies with Pennsylvania.  Both Mustang and Charger decided to go ahead and work on their new state pages right away.

We are using the state notebook from Primary Graffiti-it is FREE!  I found out about this from Carissa-thank you!

For individual work this week:

Mustang completed her Claude Monet copy work (using a page I got from Harrington Harmonies), worked on creative writing, and completed the US Puzzle Map.  She also memorized 3 sections in her AWANA book.

Charger worked on his Primary Arts of Language lessons, here he is playing a game to choose the correct form of to, too, or two.

Once again, the US Puzzle Map was a big hit.  They ask to work on it in school and also during playtime.  Charger and Mini Cooper love to work together (which of course I love to see).  Charger also completed 3 sections in his AWANA Sparks book and received a green jewel.

Like I said, it was a short week.  Next week, we should be back in full swing.  On the agenda is to finish our Monet paintings and finally learn about volcanoes.  Should be good!

Hope you had a great week, too!

God Bless,

We will be linking up:

Montessori Monday


  1. It looks like a great week. Don't short yourself. You packed a lot into the week.

  2. for not much school looks like you had a great week! Oh Lisa - I am HOWLING at that photo!! My SIL has 4 girls and 1 boy. I get it!!

  3. It might have been short but I think you guys learned a ton! Good job keeping up with your weeks!

  4. You did a lot.
    This is my first visit to your blog and I went to see the reveal photo. I can see how badly your son wants another brother. God bless his heart.

    Great week.


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!