Thursday, January 23, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up 2014 Week 3

We had a few setbacks-I was sick on Wednesday night, and I planned too many presentations for the week, but over all this week was AWESOME!

Seriously, I felt like things went smoothly, the kids learned something interesting (and new), there were very few attitude issues, and we had a lot of fun!

Here's a look at what Mustang (8) and Charger (6) did this week:

On Monday, we read A Picture Book of Martin Luther King Jr., and had a short discussion on the Civil Rights movement.  We will discuss it more in depth during Black History month.  I wanted to add that this is a GREAT book.  Just a little information, but great conversation starters!

We read Volcano! by Ellen Prager.  This was a great introduction to volcanoes.

We looked at the parts of a volcano using these wonderful (free) cards from The Helpful Garden.  The kids also worked on parts of a volcano booklets throughout the week.

I found a nice selection of volcano books at our local library and we enjoyed looking through them at the pictures, and reading more about specific eruptions (such as Mt. St. Helen's that exploded just 6 months after I moved away).

On Tuesday, we added Andrew Jackson to our President's studies.  We also watched Veggie Tale's 'Where is God When I'm Scared?' on Netflix (it is also on Amazon Prime streaming if you have it).

But, what was really exciting was our volcano eruption!!  We used a play-doh container, play-doh, baking soda and red cider vinegar.  It was perfect!

We found a DVD, Earth Science for Children All About Volcanoes, at the library and it fit in well with our lesson.

Wednesday, we had a Geometry lesson on the fundamental concepts of a point, line, plane and solid.  I found a set of lessons (free) from Elizabeth Ross Hubbell entitled Geometry: A Montessori Unit for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders.  I thought it was great for the lesson I wanted to present, so I used the first lesson in the unit to present the fundamental concepts.  

The lesson also presented graphing, so we tried our hand and the kids did very well!

The US Puzzle Map was popular again this week.  Probably due to our continuing of state studies.  This week we added New Jersey.

On Thursday, we continued our Geometry lessons with the presentation of the Geometric Stick box.  I found a free printable from Livable Learning and printed this set.  I will be honest, that as soon as I started cutting it up I wished I had the real wooden version.  So, I will be saving up to get it soon.  In the meantime, though, the free version served it's purpose.

I used the first lesson on the Geometric Stick box from the free Geometry album from Cultivating Dharma.  It's a really great album if you don't have it.

Let me just say, that the material was a hit!

Now, I'm thinking they were supposed to make shapes, but instead Charger built a water system for a town.  Whatever works, right?

Mustang has been happily trying some timed tests to check her addition skills.  I think it's safe to say she's got them down (factors 1-10).

For Bible, we are still moving forward with Bible Study Guide for All ages.  Lesson 21 took us through the Genealogy of Jesus.  I wasn't expecting to actually read the entire genealogy of Jesus (both of them) to my children-ever-but it went a LOT better then I would have expected.  

We finished out the week with our history 'lesson' watching Liberty's Kids.

I am very please with how this week went, and I'm looking forward to next week, when we do something a little unusual around here.  I try to avoid themes for my big kids, but I think it's time we did some fun snow learning.  Hope it works out!

How was your week?  I LOVE reading other family's wrap ups.  

God Bless,

We'll be linking up:
Montessori Monday

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  1. Looks like a blast of a week! We too are reading on volcanoes :) It's a popular subject this week. :) Hope you guys have a great weekend!

  2. Awesome! Love how everything looks like a ton of fun and yet very meaningful work at the same time. Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a great week!! boo on getting sick! I hope you are feeling better! I need to do that volcano experiment with Sammy :-)

  4. What a great week. I love all the materials that you use.

  5. That looks like a fun week with lots of hands on activities.

  6. Sorry you were sick, but it still looks like you all accomplished quite a bit. We love Liberty's Kids, even in 6th grade still. :-) great ideas with math too. Such fun!

  7. Perfect timing for the volcano study. We're heading in that direction! I can't wait to reference the free printables you mentioned!

  8. Sorry you had to deal with sick! Never fun! Looks like you had a great week! Tons of hand's on stuff!

  9. pooh you are such a great teacher. I need to be more tactile with my child. Sigh.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Love your volcano.

  10. GREAT week Lisa - sorry you were sick!

    We liked the Volcano unit study from Download N Go (got it on sale - but even little man loved it too)

    Hope you have another great week - can't wait to read about it.


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