Thursday, February 13, 2014

Our "Love"ly Day

In past years, I have seen posts of super fun days some moms have set up for their kids for Valentine's Day.  I read them and think 'if only I had planned ahead...'  Well, this year-thanks mostly to Pinterest-I FINALLY organized my thoughts and plans ahead of time.

Today we had a special day full of 'love' as I called it.  No, I don't think things and parties equal love, but my kids really loved it and that's what I wanted for them.  We planned it for today since we have doctor's appointments tomorrow.

We started off with a Valentine's brunch (I'm not a morning person).  We had strawberry filled crepes topped with whip cream.  To drink we had strawberry milk, and a tiny cupcake.  Sounded good...turned out to be a little bit too much sugar!

Each place setting included a Valentine's plate (97 cents for the package), a Valentine's cup (97 cents for all 4), a Valentine's straw (6 for 97 cents), conversation hearts (1.00 for 5) and a package of Shrinky Dinks (1.96 each).  I got them all in the Valentine's isle at Walmart.  The cupcakes were in the bakery clearance and cost me $1.91 for the container.

The centerpiece was made by Mustang from our school materials.  I liked it, so I kept it out.

The meal was a hit!  I mean, how often do you get to eat your cupcake first?

They worked on the Shrinky Dinks, but no one finished them. We will have to cook them tomorrow.

Next up, we graphed the hearts in our boxes using this free printable from Teaching Tiny Tots.

We painted purple hearts and then made them fizz.  I found this idea on Gift of Curiosity.

I found these revealing hearts on Sorting Sprinkles.  

The kids LOVED doing this. My only tip is, do not use cardstock!!  The water doesn't sink in very well.  

Then we got out the bin of Valentines making stuff.  Markers, doilies, stamps, paper, old Valentines...they had a TON of fun and made a big mess!

Homemade pink and purple playdough was a huge hit.  It will be played with more tomorrow as we were a bit tired by the time this came out.  

I found this heart tessellation idea from Life Lesson Plans and encouraged the kids to try it.  

I was pretty thrilled when Mustang turned hers into a thank you card for her day of fun. 

All I can really say is that I am SOOO glad I did this and can't wait to do it next year!  I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!! 

God Bless,


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