Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tot School Preschool Weekly Wrap Up The Mitten, Snow, Magnifying Glass and More!

I am so glad that January is over!  This winter is moving so slowly!  But, in honor of the lovely weather we have been having, we finished up this month with a few lessons focusing on snow.


  • We read part of Snowflake Bentley.  I presented our microscope to the big kids, and the little girls wanted a chance to look, too (of course!).
  • Since microscopes aren't really for little girls, we used our magnifying glass instead.  I pulled out an activity that I created 4 years ago for Mustang-matching little calendar pictures to big ones.  They loved it.
  • We also made fake snow from a science kit.

Not so patiently waiting her turn.


  • We read more of Snowflake Bentley (well kind of, I read it to the big kids and Mini Cooper listened.  Explorer wasn't interested today).
  • Mini Cooper joined us in making snowflakes, Explorer had fun coloring her I is for Igloo printables (free from 1+1+1=1).
  • We colored pictures of this week's president, Martin Van Buren.
  • We read the Mitten and used (free) printables from 1+1+1=1 to retell the story.  The girls really loved it when we sneezed at the end and let the animals fall all over.
  • I made snow play-doh and we made tracks in the snow with our toob animals.  I used this recipe and added a little vanilla to make it smell good.  
  • We also looked at three part cards of animal tracks (free) from Montessori for Everyone.  
  • We made Snoopy Sno-Cones with the big kids.
  • And, of course we played a lot with the snow play-doh!


  • We watched Katy and the Big Snow on YouTube because we couldn't find our book :(.  The reading was okay, but I know the girls will like looking through the pictures when our book surfaces.
  • Introduced letter i using our sandpaper letters and sound disks from The Helpful Garden.
  • Looked through the classification cards of winter clothes and items from 1+1+1=1 I is for Igloo pack.
  • Used snowflakes and beads for cards and counters-wish I had taken a photo of this!
  • Played with more play-doh.
  • I didn't take pictures on Wednesday, I just wanted a hands on day.

Thursday I was not feeling well so the kids got a sick day (no substitute teachers in homeschooling).  Thankfully, I'm feeling better and looking forward to starting back up tomorrow.  We'll be talking quickly about shadows and Groundhog Day (since we missed it on Thursday), landforms, Olympics, and maybe the letter D if we can fit it in :).

Hope you had a great week!

God Bless,

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  1. Ooh that playdough sounds delicious! I love scented dough. :-)
    Is Katy and the Big Snow the one with the game? I seem to remember playing that. You've inspired me to dig out our copy. I'm definitely not too old for picture books!

  2. Haha, so true, no subs for the HS teacher ;-) I do hope you are feeling better! You know, I hadn't thought of finding books read on Youtube for my little non-reader. Thank you so much for the idea!

  3. Glad you are feeling better. My children are a bit older and I get them to sub for me!
    Thanks for the link to the video. It'll come in handy when we row Big Snow.

  4. I really like your activities :) Lots of learning and fun! I have to check that 3-part cards with animal tracks, will fit perfectly to our winter animals theme as well :)

  5. Thanks for all the links to the free printable cards:) I'm going to check them out!

  6. Thanks for stopping by and sharing on Toddler Idea Tuesday.
    You have so many wonderful activities you do with your children.
    We ended up reading a different version of The Mitten (i didn't realize there was more than one), so our animals were not the same so I had to come up with a different activity. I am sharing about it today on Toddler Idea Tuesday.
    And I wanted to thank you for the link to those animal print cards. So many great resources there.

    I hope to see you back at Toddler Idea Tuesdays again.


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