Friday, February 14, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up 2014 Week 6!

We have had a fun and full week here!  I can't believe 6 weeks has gone by.  This year is moving so fast!!

Turns out I took exactly ONE photo this week of my big kids.  Oops!!  I still have some links to share, so I'll go through our week.

Black History Month

Using the calendar cards from 1+1+1=1 we have been learning a LOT about US black history.  This week we learned about Hiram Revels, Mary Eliza Mahoney, Booker T. Washington, The 54th Massachusetts Infantry (which had the added bonus of learning what an infantry is), and Matthew Henson.  I personally had not known about Mathew Henson or Mary Eliza Mahoney, so that was fun even for me.

We also read The Story of Ruby Bridges, by Robert Coles. Oh man, I loved this story.  I was choking back tears.  What an amazing little girl!


We continued our Olympic studies this week, and watched a lot of them on TV as well.

We are using The Winter Olympics 2014 Lapbook from A Journey Through Learning.  It is just $1.00 and is a wonderful resource!

We have been reading Hour of the Olympics by Mary Pope Osborne. This week we read chapters 3-5. 

Mustang has also been reading the research companion guide.  She completed it this week.

Thanks to this amazing FREE printable pack from Enchanted Homeschooling Mom, each day we have been recording the Olympic Medal standings and looking for the countries on our globe.

We are also taking advantage of the free printable pack from Every Star is Different.  This week we used her 3 part cards to discuss the different figure skating poses. 


Here is my one photo for the week-and my kids aren't even in it!!  We had our first presentation of the subtraction strip board.  They are now able to work on math combinations for 10-18.   I purchased the math booklets from Montessori Print Shop and have been very pleased.  We used them for addition and are now using them for subtraction.  $1.89 is worth all the work being done for me!

American History/Geography

We have continued with our state notebook freebie.  This week we added Massachusetts.  

We also read M is for Mayflower.  Really informative book!  I thought it was great how it even touched on The 54th Massachusetts Infantry, pulling our Black History learning.  

Adding to our president studies, we read a little about John Tyler and Mustang worked on her President Layer Book (free from Homeschool Share).

The kids also watched more Liberty's Kids and Mustang was really excited to see Phillis Wheatly (who we talked about last week) in this week's episode.


We are getting close to the end of this session of Bible Study Guide for all Ages.  We learned about the birth of John the Baptist this week.

In AWANA, Mustang and Charger each completed 3 sections (trying hard to finish those books!!).

Valentines Day

We had a special day of Valentine's fun that you can read about here.  It was a great way to celebrate!

Those were the highlights of the week.  Next week, I will have to take more photos!!  Before you go, I'd love to have you stop and enter my Valentine's Day Giveaway!

Hope your week was great!

God Bless,

Resources we used this week (this widget contains Amazon Affiliate links) 


  1. I'm laughing about forgetting to take pictures - I do the same exact thing! I write myself a note now on my lesson plan pages just so I don't forget!

    Studying the Olympics is a great idea - I remember doing a lapbook during the last winter Olympics. That was lots of fun.

  2. Sounds like a really good week. Your Valentine's celebration looked pretty awesome, too.

  3. I love all the hands-on projects, the Olympics pack and all the books!

  4. We love Magic Treehouse books ;) It looks like lots of fun! Have a great rest of the weekend!

  5. What fun! I love all of the cool Olympic resources you found!!

  6. looks like a great week of books!

  7. What a great week. Keilee used to ADORE Magic Tree House books. Makes me sad to see them. I have a picture of Keilee dressed up in a toga when we read the Olympic book. She was outraged that they didn't allow girls to even watch!!

    They just grow up so fast. It seems like younger kids have so much more fun hands on activities. We used to do things like this all the time! :)


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