Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Yard Sale Finds the Swap Edition

It's yard sale season around these parts...FINALLY.  I didn't blog about them last year, but I missed them!! 

I don't know if it was the looooooooonnnng winter or what, but I was SO excited to get out and visit the first one of the year that I was able to check out.  And, equally as excited to blog about it!

I just went to one, but we also went to our yearly homeschool co-op swap and were blessed with a few goodies (and took 3 trash bags of stuff to share).

At the yard sale, I spent a total of $23.00 (includes the items below, too).  My goal was to find clothes for baby girl.  I was hoping for newborn/3 months, but I wasn't successful.  I did find some cute 6 month items, though.  

 I found 5 pair of pj's for Mini Cooper at just 50 cents a piece.  Great deal!

And for $2.00 I picked up a fall coat for Mini Cooper.  I love that it is black and doesn't show dirt-since it may need to last through all 3 of my little girls!

The swap was just a lot of fun!  It seemed like everyone left with a few new treasures-almost as good as Christmas (maybe even better since it didn't cost any money).  Our favorite finds:

3 magnetic people books.  We love these!

I thought we'd give this game a try.  It's the kind of game we would only play once or twice, so we will play it and then take it to the next swap.  I love how that works!

There weren't any baby girl clothes (there are 4 of us having or have had baby girls this year), but I did find this adorable little dress, boots and hat.  They won't fit for a bit, but I'm happy to store such cuteness!

My very favorite kind of Carter's blanket.

A lovely pile of little girl clothes for Mini Cooper and Explorer to share and pass down to the new little lady.  There were a few more items we found, but they were already in the wash when I took this photo.

And this beautiful Christmas dress.  Hopefully it will fit Explorer this Christmas!

Last but not least, I forgot to take a picture of this, but Mini Cooper found a BabyCakes cupcake maker!  She was thrilled.  I normally wouldn't have bought one (since I hear most people only use it a couple of times), but we are looking forward to making some cupcakes for our Easter week next week.  

My friend Mrs. Taffy is not blogging anymore, so I don't have anywhere to link up at.  I'd love to hear about any treasures you found this week, though!!  It's part of the fun of finding a deal :).

I hope you have a great week!

God Bless,


  1. Hey Lisa! So glad you stopped by my blog! I've enjoyed peeking around your site and getting to know you and your family a bit. It's always interesting to see someone who schools so differently. Love it! And we sound a lot alike in the house keeping area. Ugh! Bane of my existence. :-)
    Tina @ For Just Such a Time as This

  2. What fun!! I haven't had a chance to check any out yet.. but I am looking forward to going to some soon! We are having ours sometime this month as well! Gotta finish purging the house before then!

  3. I love yard sales too! Isn't quite warm enough here yet, but excited to get out there and see what I can see! Looks like you found some great items!


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