Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hi there.  I bet you thought I fell off the earth.  I did, sort of, well not really, just fell out of the blogging world.  I'm not sure exactly how it happened.  It was a slow processes, but somewhere I just stopped.

I honestly was unsure if I would ever take blogging back up again.  But, lately, the bug seems to have bitten again.  I don't know if this will be a long term blogging stint, or if a short run will be enough, but I feel like I want to post about things again.  So we will see!

I will use this post to update you on what I've been up to.  I mean it has been over 2 years...that's a super long time!  But, there have been some extremely neat and surprising changes that have occurred in that time-specifically this last year.

If you happen to follow my Facebook page, you did get a little update this past fall, but if you don't I will update you here!

Last fall, a few families in the local large town started a Montessori school!  It is a co-op style, with the parents forming the school, board, and teachers.  I am the 'guide', and a few other moms are the aides.  Two come once a week, one has various rolls, and one is a backup aide.  We just meet two days a week, so we aren't a full school, but it has certainly been a huge undertaking!

It has also been a huge lifestyle change for us.  Mustang goes to public school 5 days a week.  But, everyone else is homeschooled...sorta.  We now go to the co-op school two days a week and do work at home at least two days a week.  It has a new flow, but has been very good.

We have had so many growing experiences this year, and I'm looking forward to sharing them!  Now, I just need to figure out how to get my pictures off my phone and onto my blog, lol.  Not seriously, but kinda!  My technical skills are a little dusty.

More to come very soon!  Hope all is good with you all!

God Bless,

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