Monday, May 20, 2019

The House ~ Part 3

Salvageable is a big word.  It's also a scary word. Worth rescuing is one of its definitions. I decided the house was salvageable.  But, that also means a lot of work. Work on a house.

I mentioned in my last post that my husband doesn't really like working on houses.  He CAN do it, but it's not something that excites him. Which, is totally understandable.  I, on the other hand like working on houses. Although, sometimes, that means that I like coming up with things that need to be done to a house that I can't actually do, which translates to me liking HIM to work on houses...which he doesn't like to do.  See an issue here?

(Photo of one of the many projects. Someone had removed drop ceiling only to find MANY wires, pipes and other fun things up above it, and had given up.)

I had fallen in love with this house.  However, many of the critical things needed to be done to the house would require work that I can't do.  The roof needed to be patched.  The windows needed to be replaced.  The siding needed to be replaced.  The porch needed to be repaired.  ALL the surfaces in the house needed to be painted/updated/new floor laid, etc, etc, etc.  Now, I COULD do some of the work, but not the very major things.  This meant I had to get my husband on board, or this was a lost cause.

My prayer now changed from praying that the house was salvageable, to praying that my husband would get on board to buy it.  But, baby husband had to SEE it first.  He claimed I could go forward with bidding at the auction even if he never saw it (he pointed out that he didn't even go to see the other house we put an offer on-even though he wanted it more than I did).  Yet, I knew that if he wouldn't even go see it, that God was not in agreement that we should get this house.

(My favorite of the bedrooms. In need of major attention, but has high ceilings and tons of bright light.)

I went home from seeing the house and talked it up!  I showed all the pictures I took to my mother in law and my husband.

My brother and sister in law and I all talked about it at length.  They were sold.  In fact, they seriously considered bidding themselves, even though they live hours away.  My father in law was the only one not very interested.  Too big.

I prayed quite a bit that evening and into the next morning.  The open house was from 10 until 2, and we wanted to get there pretty early.  At 9:45, my husband agreed to go.  I was thrilled! Prayer number two had been answered!! 

All 7 of us piled in the van, and headed to my in-laws.  My mother in law, father in law, brother and sister in law, and their kids all descended on this big old house in excitement.

When we got there, we found friends looking around.  They were somewhat interested in the house and had walked from down the street to check it out.  It was an extra blessing to have them there, because one of them repairs houses for a living.  He, my husband, and my brother in law went down and checked out the heating, air, and water systems (to the best of their knowledge with a flashlight), and were all pleased with what they found.  They were also pleased with the foundation and overall sturdiness of the house.

(Another favorite spot of the open banister at the top of the staircase.)

My children happily ran through all the big and spacious rooms picking out their favorites.  They tried out the backyard swing, and played with the sweet stray cat that lived under the deck. I loved that, even with all our family, some friends, and a few other people checking out the house, it still seemed open and spacious.

(The staircase looking up.)

It was a house we could invite people to.  A house we could let neighborhood kids hang out at.  A house we could turn into a home to love on our family, friends, and anyone who needed a hug in. Yes, I was falling in love with it.  But, I've fallen in love with things that weren't to be mine before, and there were others interested in the house. Plus, just looking at the house did not mean my husband was on board.

But, my first two prayers had been answered. One, the house was salvageable, and two, my husband had gone to see it.

Continuing the story:
Part One
Part Two

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