Mustang is 48 months, Charger is 22 months
First off, I put 'NEW' on my Tot School even though this is week 3, because I just now read the directions and realized I was supposed to put new by my name.
Second, we actually did much more at Tot School this week, but we are at the farm and my laptop runs much slower and I dont have time to upload all our pictures.
We did have a ton of fun! Here is the recap. Scroll down to previous posts to see more details.
Tubs of plastic letters

Alphabet Train Puzzle

Matching Letter Sounds

Clothespin transfer

Bean transfer

Shape Sort

Banana Cutting found HERE

Chutes and Ladders

Melissa and Doug Farm Puzzle

For more great Tot School ideas check out 1+1+1=1
looks like you are getting into the swing of things and your children are having fun :D
Thanks for stopping by. When I get round to it I might find somewhere to upload the things I make :D
I love the Farm puzzle, but then again I love all things Melissa and Doug. What were you using for your bean transfer?
Thanks! I used navy beans, a cupcake container (left over from the cupcakes we bought for DD's party) and a kitchen spoon. Kinda last minute lol!
We have that Farm puzzle and my daughter adores it! And I love that shape sorter - do you have any idea how hard it is to find in a store? I think I'm going to have to resort to ordering online for Christmas....
It looks like they had a very fun, busy week! I like how they had such a variety in all the activities they worked on, and the banana cutting is a good reminder that we can safely give them more responsibility!
I love the giant abc letters that you have. Looks like you guys had a great week.
Your library has educational packs they let you check out and take home? Wow, I love it!
Looks like you all had a great week. Great variety of activities.
Lots of great activities!!!! I really liked the bean transfer :)
thanks for visiting! i love your transferring activities...i'm too afraid to try beans and such with noah just yet. the puzzle book noah was playing with is by melissa & doug. i meant to link that up to amazon, so thanks for pointing that out that i didn't do that! i've fixed it now, in case you want to look at it.
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