Monday, January 18, 2010

Multitude Monday Blessings 28-37

holy experience

28. God's love is unchanging in an ever changing world.
29. His forgiveness is constant, regardless of my failure.
30. He is faithful in times of great need,
31. He is faithful in times of great joy and
32. and He is every time in between.
33. He has provided all that I need.
34. The beautiful things He has created, they each tell of His awesomeness.
35. His faithful presence that guides us in ever step of our lives.
36. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.
37. More blessings then I can even count.

This list was inspired by the great hymn 'Great is Thy Faithfulness.'

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Beautiful list; full of quiet trust.