Summer Sensations from Download N Go is the perfect unit to ease out of Summer and into the school year. The subject is fun and entertaining. You might even forget it's school :). This is our third Download N Go and by FAR my favorite! I wasnt expecting much more then a simple study of the season and was so surprised at the unbelievable content in this unit! We didnt just learn about hot weather and the fact that the first day of Summer is June 21st {though that is very important since its my birthday ha ha!}, we learned lots of extra cool things-like who invented the snow cone machine-there should be a holiday for this guy!
What is Download N Go? Amanda Bennett and The Old Schoolhouse have teamed up to bring you the best of unit learning lessons. 5 days of fun, engaging learning that covers history, geography, reading, science, spelling, vocabulary, writing, art, and more all in one. You and your child choose the subject you would like to explore, download, print the packet and GO! At the end of the lessons you will not only have newly learned knowledge, but also a lapbook, and notebook for your reference {great for a portfolio}. The best part is that it is reusable. So, if you are like me and have multiple children, you only have to buy the unit once!
The Summer Sensations Download N Go is all about...you guessed it...Summer!

Turn school into . . . cool!
Make a splash to start the new school year --
Your child will investigate how seasons change,
what summer is all about, how shadows work,
why trees are important in the summertime,
and yummy--discover some history about
snow cones and ice cream!
And it's a great time to seize many of those cool summery interests that your kids are intrigued with.
Day 1: What is Summer?
Day 2: Science Secrets of Summer
Day 3: People and Places of Summer
Day 4: Time for Tips and Treasures of Summer
Day 5: Goodies and Surprises of Summer
Exciting changes abound for kids of all ages to experience, so why not take all of their pent-up excitement and enthusiasm and put it to good use
as they dive right into learning about summer
and all that it holds?
It's time to watch the trees grow and enjoy their shade,
feel the hot temperatures, take a plunge in the water,
and enjoy a slower pace of life as summer spreads
through the neighborhood.
To learn more about Summer Sensations and to order your unit check out DownloadNGo.com.
But if the thought of snow cones isnt cool enough, I'm so excited to announce that Amanda Bennett and The Old Schoolhouse have graciously offered to give one of you the Summer Sensations Unit!!!
Here's how to Win:
Visit Download N Go and tell me your favorite unit.
For extra entries:
1. Follow or subscribe to Our Country Road. {2 entries}
2. Grab my button and put it somewhere on your blog. Let me know where to find it {2entries}.
3. Visit the Download N Go Facebook page and like it {2 entries}.
4. Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link {3 entries}.
5. One extra entry for anyone who is offering items in the Curriculum Cleanout.
This giveaway is closes Wednesday, September 1st. It is open to ALL readers because it is a download. Good Luck & God Bless!

**This is also linked up at the Curriculum Cleanout at Homeschool Creations. It's not used, but I think it would be useful to many of you! Thanks for stopping by!**
This is a Litfuse Publicity Group Review. Thank you to Amanda Bennett and The Old Schoolhouse for providing me with a copy of Summer Sensations for my review. All opinions expressed are my own.
They all look interesting, but I like the Whale Tales!
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I think the the Autumn Treausres ebook looks like a lot of fun!
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Who wouldn't love "Chocolate Challenge"? That's a unit I could sink my teeth into. :)
Liked 'em on FB #1.
Liked 'em on FB #2.
Wow, chocolate challenge! For a chocoholic like myself that would be great, but I think I'd go with autumn treasures since autumn is just around the corner. :-)
Hi I follow you now.. lovely kids... I love DNGo units.
Monica at discovertheirgifts.blogspot.com
I am offering a clean-out giveaway too!
Ok, Chocolate Challenge sounds wonderful! I think I'm going to get that one! Thanks for the giveaway! thegood3 at gmail dot com
The chocolate challenge grabbed my attention right away.
Amelia Earhart looks interesting!
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This summer one looks great, and so does roller coaster one!
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My favorite unit is "Spring Suprises" because I LOVE Spring! :O)
I am a follower of Our Country Road! :O)
We have done Sunny Seashells and would relly like to have Magnificent Moon.
The birthday bonanza looks like lots of fun.
tara @ dennie .org
Hmmm, the chocolate challenge looks pretty tempting LOL!
What a great resource. Thanks.
I'm a new follower!
I am also giving something away!
I saw her at a convention and thought the Pizza Party one would be so fun!
I like Terrific Tigers. I know it hasn't came out yet, but this would be great for our trip to a tiger sanctuary!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
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mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
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mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
I like Download N go on Facebook. Heather Sidwell.
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
I like Download N go on Facebook. Heather Sidwell. #2
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
Winter is my favourite
amalliegater at gmail dot com
the Pizza unit suddy looked cool (really they all do)
I am now a FB fan of Download N Go!
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I like the pizza party one, because my daughter is so into pizzas at the moment! :P
The Chocolate Challenge looks like one I would love!
tolsmamm at juno dot com
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tolsmamm at juno dot com
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tolsmamm at juno dot com
Magnificent Moon for me.
andbjr at gmail dot com
Follow Our Country Road via GFC # 1
andbjr at gmail dot com
Follow Our Country Road via GFC # 2
andbjr at gmail dot com
This is the one I really like:) I hope I win it!
We LOVED Autumn treasures last year!
I can't just choose one!! I loved the looks of the Expedition Ireland because I love to travel and see new places and have wanted to go there for the LONGEST TIME! But the Pizza Party and Chocolate Challenge loooked so fun!
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I am a fan of Download N Go on facebook (2 of 2)
Chocolate Challenge looks delicious ;)
steffanie771 at hotmail dot com
Winter is my fav. I think. Thanks for the giveaway.
We love Autumn Treasures!
I am following too!
I would like to try the Autumn treasures since Fall is coming soon. I will save this summer one until next year if I win.
Sunny Treasures looks fun, but Autumn Treasures is on my shopping list, too!
Chocolate Challenges looks like fun. So does this summer unit. I'd love to win it.
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