Monday, August 15, 2011

Pinterest Tuesday-Starts Tomorrow!!!

I have a confession to make. I have an addition. I spend time with my addiction when I should be eating. I lose sleep because I am indulging in my addiction. I have new hopes and goals for my future...all because of my addiction. What is this addiction? Well, that would be Pinterest.

Oh, what's that you say? You're addicted, too? You know what? I knew you were :). Pinterest is an awesome place to find great new ideas for your home, school, dinner table and more. What's not to love??

Another reason I am loving Pinterest is the amount of traffic it brings to my blog!! Someone reads something they love on my blog, they pin it {thank you!}, and in turn it brings other people over to my blog. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has written a blog post worth pinning-in fact many of you have ideas that are WAY more creative then me!! What? No one pinned it? We're going to fix that!

Here's how:

Here's your chance to showcase something fun you have done lately! You pick a blog post with your fun learning activity, craft, recipe, decoration, room redo, organizational display, etc, etc, etc. The blog post needs to have pictures (so we have something to pin!). Then, link it up here!! Each McLinky will last 1 week-from Tuesday to Monday night. I do ask that you choose just one post each week, and that it isnt one you have shared here before. And please, family friendly, G rated posts (my 5 year old can read!).

I have made up a button for this carnival, the code is here:

You can post it in the blog post you are sharing, or on your side bar in case you decide after the blog post is written you want to link up and you dont want to re-do the post.

I will highlight some of my favorite pins each week, so check back to see if you were featured! Most of all-HAVE FUN!!!

Happy Pinning and God Bless!


  1. This is a great idea, and I can't wait to pin away!

  2.! I just started pinning this week! I haven't explored much outside of my own recently bookmarked sites. This should be fun! Now....what to link up tomorrow....

  3. Oh dear I doubt you are alone in your addiction...pinterest is great!

  4. oh no, what have you done?! heehee.. I can see where my day may be spent ;)

  5. Would love to join except I have not figured out this whole pinterest thing out yet. Now i really have to . . .

  6. Hello from Lori at Montessori MOMents. I'm so happy you found my blog because it has helped me find yours as well. This is such a great idea! I'd love to follow your boards on Pinterest. What's your user name? Mine is loriMOMents.

  7. Lori, what a fun way to play with Pinterest. I absolutely love the idea. I am going to share the concept with my friend who has a photography blog!

    I am also playing with ways to use Pinterest:

    When I first start up on Pinterest somewhere in their intro copy they say, "Pinterest is what you make of it." I would like to try and get parents commenting and talking on top of pinning. I hope you are willing to participate in my experiment which I fondly call The Parent Watercooler. I will add you in as a contributor to the board. So far we have 2K following the board so it will give your blog even more reach! Hope to chat with you and your followers there too. Drop me a line if you have any questions!


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!