Monday, August 15, 2011

Pinterest Tuesday-Week One!

Welcome to the first ever Pinterest Tuesday here on Our Country Road! I'm so glad that you stopped by!!!

Here's how Pinterest Tuesday works:

Choose your favorite recent blog post that you want others to read and 'pin.' Link your post below using the McLinky. Make sure that your post has pictures that can be pinned! G rated pins only, and one pin per blog, please! Please include the Pinterest Tuesday button in your post or sidebar.

Then come back and start pinning!!

If you have any other questions, email me, or read over this post to see if I've answered your question there.

This is our first link up, but I thought I'd feature a few things I pinned this week. I have been reading the Not Back To School Blog Hop over at Heart of the Matter Online. I found some great school rooms worth pinning!

Laine at It's Just Laine shared photos of her dining room/school room. I fell in love, and am hoping to use her room as inspiration for my kitchen re-do.

I started drooling when I saw all of the organizing boxes in the classroom/craft room that Vanessa at A Place to Roost posted.

Gina at Gina with Love showed her wonderful room, which is the perfect mix of color, fun, and organization. I love how simplistic and streamlined it is, while still having pocket charts and aprons.

And last but not least, Ms. Understood showed me the best way to organize the school 'stuff' is to simply not have it. I need to work on that!!

If any of you great ladies stops by, please feel free to add the following button to your blog:

Each week, I will pick a handful of my favorite pins to share, so check back to see if you were featured!!

I hope you all have a lot of fun! I look forward to seeing lots of things to pin!

God Bless and Happy Pinning!!!

*PS, to anyone that noticed, I am sorry for the 7000 attempts to put up this post, it was not playing nicely tonight!!


  1. I so love pinterest! I am now following you :-)

  2. Great idea! I'll have to find something of mine that is pinable!

  3. WOW, I'm featured?! I'm so excited & honored! :)
    Yeah, I guess we don't have much stuff overall. That's partly by choice (too much stuff overwhelms me), and partly due to financial limitations. I'd have more if I could, but probably not that much more.
    I like all your picks, and I'll be hunting you down on pinterest next time I log in over there.

  4. Great idea. Love Pinterest, thanks for the invite.

  5. Thank you so much! I'm addicted to pinterest too! ...& I really love your blog, I'm adding your button now!

  6. I've heard about pinterest but haven't checked it out yet. I guess I'm missing out. Maybe I'll take a look at it now. Thanks. :D

  7. Thanks for featuring my room! =)

  8. I too have slowly been going through all of the school rooms over at the Not Back to School blog hop! It's taking me awhile, though. lol. :)

    I am LOVING this new linky party! I'll make sure to link up every week and starting pinning away new ideas. Isn't Pinterest the best?!

  9. Love this new linky, mama! Great thinking!

  10. Thanks for the invite. Great linky idea! Super excited to see what everyone posts.

  11. what a great idea! thank you for hosting and inviting me. Btw. I think that you would like my mood necklace

    thank you again and happy pinning

  12. This is a lovely idea to share crafting ideas, I have been meaning to join pinterest for a long time :)

  13. What a wonderful idea for a link up party! Thank you for inviting me :) I'm off to do some pinning now!

  14. What a wonderful idea for a link up party! Thank you for inviting me :) I'm off to do some pinning now!

  15. Thanks for inviting me to your pinterest party! I linked up my project & I will check out everyone else's projects. I love pinterest :)


  16. Love all the colorful stuffs. Put it all together in a perfect place in a sun room makes it more beautiful and attractive. Thanks for posting.

  17. Love this idea, I love being able to quickly see new and fun ideas and projects to do with my kids!

  18. Thanks so much for following my blog and reminding me that I was following you! Sorry. I love this linky and just submitted one!
    This will be so much fun! I put your button on my sidebar so I won't forget. Pinterest is so fun, isn't it?!
    I +1 you and I'm going to tweet it now!

    Lori :)


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!