Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Book Review and GIVEAWAY!! Gabby, God's Little Angel by Shelia Walsh

I'm really excited that today I get to tell you about one of the cutest books I have read in quite awhile!   Gabby, God's Little Angel arrived at our home last month and my little angels have loved getting to know her.

Gabby, God's Little Angel was written by Shelia Walsh, the creator of the award winning Gigi, God's Little Princess which my girls also love. 

Here is a little clip from Shelia Walsh, herself, about Gabby, God's Little Angel:

This first book in a delightful new series offers a comforting message for young readers-God loves you very much and is always watching over you!

What little girl wouldn't love her very own guardian angel? Parents and children alike will be won over by this humorous tale of Gabby, a guardian angel in training who has much to learn about taking care of God's little ones. Her new assignment is to protect a young girl named Sophie, but Gabby soon realizes that watching after Sophie is a bigger challenge than she had expected! After a close call while riding her pony, Sophie learns what the Bible says about guardian angels: "He will put his angels in charge of you. They will watch over you wherever you go" (Psalm 91:11 ICB)

What we thought of Gabby, God's Little Angel:

Overall, I think this book is super cute!!  The message of the book tells little girls (and not so little girls) that God loves them, and is always watching over them.  It introduces the idea of guardian angels by introducing us to Gabby, the guardian angel of a little girl named Sophie.  

My girls enjoyed the bright, colorful photos, and that Sophie rides horses in the story {my girls love horses}.  Gabby, God's Little Angel can be a great way to start discussions about guardian angels and the way they help the Lord and us.

Probably my only reservation with this story is that this little angel is a child, and a clumsy one at that.  IF you were looking for a completely accurate theological book for your child, this may not be on your list.  But, if you are okay with a little imagination in the mix, this is a great choice for your library!!

Gabby, God's Little Angel retails for $14.99 and would make a great Christmas gift, or maybe an extra fun First Communion gift!  You can currently find it at for just $9.99!  

To read more reviews of Gabby, God's Little Angel, check out the Lifuse Publicity Group blog.

Now for all the fun!! 

As part of the release of Gabby, God's Little Angel, there are a couple of giveaways that you wont want to miss!

First, Shelia and her publisher, Thomas Nelson, have put together and "Angel" prize package worth over $150.00! {click on the icon to enter}

Enter 9/19-10/3!

The winner will be announced during a Facebook Party where Sheila will also host a chat and give away a ton of fun products from the Gigi and Gabby line!  Be sure to stop by on October 4th at 5pm PST (6PM MST, 7PM, CST, & 8 PM EST).

And, you can also win a copy of Gabby, God's Little Angel HERE on Our Country Road!!! 

Yes!!!!  I am really excited about this part!  Sheila Walsh and Thomas Nelson publishers has graciously given me a copy of Gabby, God's Little Angel to give to one of you!!!

Here's how to enter:

Leave a comment below letting me know what little angel you would read Gabby, God's Little Angel to.

For extra entries:

1) Follow or subscribe to Our Country Road and tell me that you did.  (one entry)
2)  Like Our Country Road on Facebook (one entry)
3)  Head over to the  Gabby, God's Little Angel Facebook Party and RSVP!  (two entries)

This giveaway will end Tuesday, October 4th at midnight CST.  The winner will be announced shortly after! 

Good luck and God Bless!!

This has been a Litfuse review.  Thank you to Sheila Walsh and Thomas Nelson Publishers for providing my family with a complementary copy of this book for our review.  All opinions expressed are my own and I have not been compensated in any other way.


  1. Thanks for this opportunity! I would love this book for my daughter.
    msidor79 at yahhoo dot com

  2. Following you thru GFC
    msidor at yahoo dot com

  3. Liked you on Facebook
    msidor79 at yahoo dot com

  4. I'd read Gabby to all three of my little angels :)

    SeekingHim at gmail dot com

  5. I like you on FB

    SeekingHim at gmail dot com

  6. FB party RSVP #1

    SeekingHim at gmail dot com

  7. FB party RSVP #2

    SeekingHim at gmail dot com

  8. entered sweeps #1

    SeekingHim at gmail dot com

  9. entered sweeps #2

    SeekingHim at gmail dot com

  10. I would read this to my 4 angels still at home, and the grandkids when they are visiting :0)
    bmorr 07 @ gmail .com

  11. I LIKED your page on facebook :0)

  12. I RSVP'ed at the facebook party :0)

  13. You know I would share this with my little Angel Selena.

  14. I would love to read it with my daughter. Then have the older kids read it to the baby. It looks so precious.

    danellejohns at gmail dot com

  15. I am a GFC follower-Danelle Johnson

    danellejohns at gmail dot com

  16. I follow/like you on FB- Danelle Johns

    danellejohns at gmail dot com

  17. I RSVP'd on FB- Danelle Johns.(#1)

    I can't wait and am getting anxious for it to be party-time soon!

    danellejohns at gmail dot com

  18. I RSVP'd on FB- Danelle Johns.(#2)

    I can't wait and am getting anxious for it to be party-time soon!

    danellejohns at gmail dot com

  19. thanks for hte giveaway.. my little angel is my daughter!

    coleycoupons at yahoo dot com

  20. i follow via gfc

    coleycoupons at yahoo dot com

  21. i rsvp'ed to the party

    coleycoupons at yahoo dot com

  22. i rsvp'ed to the party #2

    coleycoupons at yahoo dot com

  23. Our three little ones would be so excited to have this in their collection! We follow you!
    And congrats on your new blessing! ;-)

  24. I would love to read this to my niece, Isabella.

  25. I'm not sure what happened to my other comments since I don't see them here. ??? Blogger must've eaten them!

    I follow with GFC.


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