Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pinterest Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday!!!! 

Well, I wasnt creative enough to come up with an edition title this week.  I should probably call it the I wish this baby would hurry up and be born, but not really because its a little early and I'm not quite ready edition.  But, yeah, that wouldnt fit in the title :).

But, YOU were creative this week, even if I wasnt!

Here are some of my favorites (really they are all my favorites and I swear one of these days I'm just going to use the random generator to pick because its VERY hard to pick four!!):

Ticia at Adventures in Mommydom has put together the CUTEST Noah's Ark craft.  I really dont want you to miss this because printables with cute Bible characters are hard to find, IMO.  She went all out!

Tracey and her son at Musings of the Monroes created Toasty the Robot to go along with a great lesson on robots.  Isnt he cute??  I love all the recycled bits used to make him!

Brook at Let Kids Create let her kids create my kind of art!  They made colorful fun pictures out of glue and colored rice!  No mess-at least no paint or other stain causing mediums!  She and her kids made these outside, so other then a little sweeping, no mess at all!

And one more great idea this week is this FANTASTIC sensory bin!!  Jessica at Little Tiger Growing Up appealed to all the senses with her 'Shape Bin.'  I love the use of color and textures in addition to the shapes.  

If you were featured, here is a button to put on your blog if you would like!  And, I didnt realize until now that the link I gave last week was NOT right.  I'm going to go back and fix it, but I wanted to let anyone who tried to grab last weeks that it was messed up!!  Sorry!  I'm blaming it on the new blogger interface-because I am sloooow like that!

Happy Pinning and God Bless!


  1. I came here to link up today and was just floored when I saw Toasty the Robot in your featured section! How awesome is that. I am very blessed and love what you wrote. I am so glad I found your link up. I look forward to seeing what others are up to and having some pinning fun.

    Thanks for hosting!

  2. Thanks so much for loving our bin! My Little One couldn't get enough of it!

  3. Thanks for featuring our rice art!

  4. So excited to be featured! This reminds me I need to get working on my Abraham stuff for Sunday........


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!