Well harvest is in full swing here, which means that I have a little less blogging time and a lot more mommy demands. But, watching the huge combines and tractors change our scenery in a matter of minutes is amazing even to a 30 something girl :).
Harvest makes me think of pumpkins and costumes and candy. Which is why I loved this first pin. The Princess and the Tot has made up this fun game printable where you EAT candy corn. I think I'll play this one all by myself!!
To work on the big tractors and combines, you often needs some tools. Our Little Monkeys has made an adorable set of printables with a tools theme. Dont miss them!!
And, well, the last to features dont really follow the 'harvest theme,' but I loved them!
If you have followed my blog for any amount of time, you know I have a think for peg people. So, when Little Red Farm posted these adorable gnomes, I was in love!! I will be on the lookout for these wooden cuties!
Last up is this AMAZING gift idea from Paint on the Ceiling. She made these puzzles-all by hand-out of blocks. I love her painting abilities, I'm worried mine wont look near as nice, but I hope to try my hand at these this fall!
If you were featured this week, I have a button you can put on your blog:

Happy Pinning and God Bless!
Thank you for the feature! You have ADORABLE things featured this week. I especially love the puzzle blocks! I'm honored to be on your list!
An alternative to painting would be to decoupage a picture on the top and carefully cut them apart. I've seen that done a couple of times.
I just found your Pinterest Tuesday and just love the idea! I started Pinterest about a month or two ago and it's just so much easier than bookmarking everything. Much easier to organize and find things. So I'm linking up for the first time!
Thanks for hosting :o)
p.s. I love your harvest theme!
I look forward to this each week! So much fun to see what other Pinterest addicts are doing! :) Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com
Thank you for featuring our blocks. I'm sure yours will be wonderful.
I love reading all these pins each week. Great idea, I just love quickly looking at all these creative moms post great stuff I can get ideas from :)
I love the candy eating activity.
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