Monday, September 12, 2011

Timberdoodle Review-The Purpllinker

A few weeks ago, we were asked if we would like to review the Purpllinker from the Timberdoodle Company.  I saw the photo and really wasn't sure if it would appeal to Mustang (she is actually a bit above the target age range).  So, I called  her over and had her look at the photo.  She quickly answered yes!  Apparently, Timberdoodle certainly knows its audience, because when it arrived it was a bit like Christmas!

As soon as the package came to the door, Mustang was begging me to open it.  Thankfully, I was able to snap a photo of the packaging before we did.

It's a good thing that I opened the package-the instructions and info are on the inside of the package.  This is  probably one thing I would change.  I am sure that at least one person has torn their paper in half.

Now you are probably wondering 'what on earth is a Purpllinker?'  Yeah, I had to ask the same thing.

The Timberdoodle website describes the Purpllinker like this: Looking much like great grandpa's old-fashioned carpenter’s ruler, but smaller, softer, safer, and easier to maneuver, the child-friendly Purpllinker, with its seven arms, will hold its shape, allowing your child to create the entire alphabet. By forming letters with the Purpllinker, your child will be building small-muscle memory and fine-motor skills.  I still had to see it in action to understand what a Purpllinker is.

The Purpllinker is made of a very sturdy plastic and has seven sections fastened together so they will move.  It takes a little strength to move the arms, but all three of my kiddos were able to move them without issue.

There are numerous different shapes you can create, plus all 26 letters.  Your child just has to pick one.  

Here is Mustang with her first creation.  She was LOVING the Purpllinker.  Hard to tell isn't it?  LOL!  Charger and Mini Cooper both enjoyed it, too.  I had a hard time getting Charger to wait his turn-you can see him in the picture below patiently waiting.

The only 'catch' that I wasn't prepared for, is that the letters and shapes are also a bit of a puzzle.  Though you could create the letters in other ways (and we did at first), the instructions on the card show the CORRECT way to move the seven arms to create the letter or picture that you choose.  When I say correct, I don't mean the correct writing strokes, just correct for the puzzle.  The letters don't always follow the handwriting strokes.   I thought at first this may be a way to teach handwriting, but that is not going to be the case.  It's still a lot of fun for teaching problem solving.

 In fact, do you see the holes?  There is a game you can play with a friend to create the letters while only showing a certain amount of holes!  We did not try the game, I am not sure that Mustang is ready for it, and I know for sure that Charger is not.  I loved knowing that the Purpllinker would be a useful learning tool and maybe travel game long into the future.

The Purpllinker currently retails for just $11.25 on the Timberdoodle website.  It would make a great addition to your classroom.  It would also make a great gift for that certain child on your list who loves a great mind challenge.  It is marketed for age 3+, toddler-preschool, but honestly, I think that's a bit young.  I would suggest the Purpllinker for ages 4-8.  Charger is only 3 and loved it, but he just moved it around like he wanted to, no regard to the actual 'instructions.' 

The Purpllinker is also a part of the Timberdoodle Preschool Curriculum Kit.  Timberdoodle has taken the stress out of choosing the various pieces of your Preschooler's lessons. The kit includes math, language, science, Kuman books, and a number of fun learning tools, of which the Purpllinker is a part.

Timberdoodle offers tons of great homeschool supplies and curriculum, be sure to check out their website.  You can also sign up to receive the free Timberdoodle catalog, it's a lot of fun to look at!  The kids have already made their Christmas lists from it :).  And, dont forget to like Timberdoodle on Facebook, so you dont miss out on any of their offers or occasional giveaways!  

Thank you to the Timberdoodle Co. for providing my family with a complementary Purpllinker for our review.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun toy! I was reading on another blog that the Purpllinker directions are available to print on their website, and that it even gives more shape ideas online. I think it might have been MamaJenn's blog, and she said she laminated a copy for her kids.

    Oh, how I drool over the Timberdoodle website. We have what we need to do preschool, though, so there's no reason to buy just yet.


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