Thursday, September 8, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up: The Doctor and The Food Chain

Finally! The second half of our 'Healthy People' unit (I've been slow to get things posted lately). If you missed it, the first half was about the Dentist and can be read here.

Books we read about the doctor:

A Trip to the Hospital (Little Bill). This is a good book, IF you are acquainted with the Little Bill show. My older two, who have seen Little Bill a number of times enjoyed watching Little Bill go to the hospital and get a cast. I know some dont like to read books about TV characters, but in some cases I think it helps kids relate more to the story if they know the characters.

Doctors and Nurses: What Do They Do? I really enjoyed this book, though I guess it really IS outdated. I found myself quite envious of the doctors who made house calls. This would be a perfect story to teach what is the same and different about doctors now verses 40 years ago.

I downloaded a great Doctor and Nurse pack from Jolanthe at Homeschool Creations. We used a couple of the cute ideas in the pack.

It took us a large amount of 2 class sessions to finish our band-aid books. Both Mustang and Charger enjoyed cutting out the 55 band-aids and pasting them to their correct pages.

While they were working on their books, I copied an idea I saw on 1+1+1=1 to do with Mini Cooper. I used the body part cards from Carissa's letter F pack and had Mini Cooper match them to her dolly's body parts like Ladybug did.

The second day, I put the cards in our photo cube and had Mini Cooper roll the dice to see which body part she would point out.

For the food chain, we read Gregory the Terrible Eater. This book is okay. I wish we could have found our Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food book. I ended up buying a second copy after this lesson because we never did find ours. I printed off coloring sheets of the food pyramid from Coloring Castle for my kids to color while I read the book.

I printed off a great FREE Food Pyramid from Montessori for Everyone. Scroll down under general materials to find the link. My camera battery was dead the first day we did this lesson, so I am sorry I dont have pictures of us discussing the food groups with the little cards included in the download. The second day I stole all our felt food from the play kitchen and we found the food group they belonged to. As we ate our meals throughout the week, we discussed what food groups were represented on our plate.

We did a number of other things, including more from the Doctor and Nurse pack-lots of great stuff inside!! This was a fun unit!

We are linking up to:

Tot School

Have a great weekend!! God Bless!


  1. What a fun week!! :-)

  2. Great week and an awesome topic to cover with little ones!! My son just recently discovered the Berenstain Bears and loves them :)

  3. LOVE the body parts dice idea! Hope you don't mind, but I pinned it to use later when we do our body parts unit. :)


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