Monday, October 24, 2011

Telling Time 2: Clocks and Hours

So next up in telling time was the obvious-clocks!  

We received this box of 6 small geared clocks last year as part of a review last year and I am so glad I went with a set of small clocks instead of a large one.  

Everyone enjoyed having their own clock to explore.  We checked out the different parts of the clock-the face, the hands, and the minutes.  

Then we started talking about hours of time.  Turns out, both Mustang and Charger had a good grasp of the hours of time. So, we took turns calling out a time and all setting our clocks.  

For review the next day, I set out this tray.  It contains 2 copies of  a worksheet I found on The Teacher's Guide.

I laminated one copy and filled in the answers, then I set a worksheet, clock and pencil for Mustang to do this work.

The object was to set the clock and write the time on her worksheet to match the worksheet.  Mustang would show me her clock so I could check her work before moving on.  This was not hard for her, but was a great way to begin learning to write time in addition to telling time.

I am linking up to:

God Bless and GO CARDS!!!


  1. Those clocks are so cute and no doubt useful for helping to teach the time. Time is such a hard thing for kids to grasp so anything to make it easier must be a blessing!

  2. Love this! I have one of those clocks from my MIL! I need to get it out soon and let Sammy learn with it! Love your approach!

  3. I love the little clocks! Great job of introducing time! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

  4. What fun clock activities. I need to tackle that myself soon. And your kiddos are adorable!

    I'd love for you to come link up at my Linky Party -

  5. I was just thinking we need to add telling time in our lessons...thanks for the reminder and the link to the worksheet!! found you thru Living Life Intentially linky!! God's abundant Blessings!!

    Forest Rose

  6. Thanks for linking up to Living Life Intentionally & putting our button up on your sidebar =-) When you get a chance you just grabbed the I was featured one by biggie =-) It wont let me put the code here so you can pop back over when you get a chance. Thanks & I look forward to seeing more of your ideas!!

  7. i just put these an my amazon wish list for MIL to buy the kids for Christmas


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