Sunday, October 23, 2011

TOS Review: Wits & Wagers Family

We were recently sent a cute new family game for our game night, Wits & Wagers Family from Northstar Games.

Wits and Wagers is a trivia game with over 300 family friend questions.  Once a questioned is asked, each person or team writes their answer down for all to see.  Then, they wager who has the right answer.  

Wits and Wagers has the CUTEST game pieces called Meeples.  Mini Cooper was happy to play with the ones we werent using while we played the game.

Even the guess cards have the adorable Meeples.

Our over all thoughts:

My thoughts-I really loved the game itself.  It seemed that North Star Games had done a wonderful job of presenting a cute, eye appealing game.  The instructions were super easy to read and understand, and game play was very straightforward.  I personally enjoyed the fact that it was a trivia game, as I tend to know lots of strange, useless trivia.  I also appreciated that even if you didnt know the answer, you still had a great chance of getting points in the wager portion of the game.

Mustang's (6 year old) thoughts-She loves the little cards to write her answers.  She thinks the questions are funny.  The game is technically for age 8 and up, so she played on my team.  She understood HOW to play, but the questions werent things she would have known how to answer.

The husband's thoughts-Well, he didnt like it.  He likes trivia, but more history type trivia.  Trivia he deems 'useful.'  When the first question was: 'How old was Miranda Cosgrove (iCarly) when she started her show?'  and it was followed up shortly after by 'What year did Barbie get a belly button?", DH was completely turned off by the game.  And, I guess the cute little Meeples are not as thrilling to a guy.  YES, the girl's team won, so maybe that had something to do with it? :)

So, sadly, he wouldnt play again and it left me unable to play again since, though she was interested, Mustang couldnt play alone.  I am looking forward to the holidays and hope that others at the family gatherings will want to play, because I really did like the game and would like to play it more.  

Unlike my husband, MANY people have enjoyed the original game Wits & Wagers.   It is the most award winning party game in history.  It has been featured in Real Simple, USA Weekend Magazine, on the Today Show, and on Dave Ramsey!  

Wits & Wagers Family is the same game, with a few changes to make it even more family friendly.  You can read more reviews of the game at the TOS Crew Review Blog.

 Wits & Wagers Family retails for $19.99 and is sold at many online retailers.  I think that Wits & Wagers Family would make a great family gift this Christmas!!  God Bless!

This is a TOS Crew Review.  Thank you to North Star Games for providing my family with a complementary copy of Wits & Wagers Family in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions expressed are our own.


  1. Great Review. I noticed you blog on CMOMB and then saw we are also both on the TOS crew!
    I have awarded you the Liebster Award.
    Read about it here
    Blessings, Christina

  2. We liked it too and so did hubby...but we didn't get those questions. Hubby has won all the games so far...

  3. We really enjoyed this game. My daughter-in-law wants to play it every time she comes over.


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