Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pinterest Tuesday: A few weeks off

I hate to do this, because I am loving all the creative ideas I get from Pinterest Tuesday.  But, I need to take a few weeks off I think.  I am finding with my new family routines that I am having a hard time getting this up on Tuesdays, so I may try a different day or just come back ready to go in a few weeks. I really hope I dont disappoint you too much by doing this. 
 See you soon & God Bless!


  1. We'll miss Pinterest Tuesday, but your family is the most important. Enjoy spending extra time with your precious children! Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com

  2. Not at all....I will miss it (and you....are you taking a blogging break altogether?).

    I wanted to tell you that a couple weeks ago you left a really thoughtful comment on my blog and I really, really appreciated it.

    Hope you get into that family routine very soon!

  3. I understand, and look forward to when you start it up again!

  4. I am finding juggling our ever-changing routine and blogging is becoming very difficult!! As much as I miss blogging and the interaction, it has been a lot easier to devote that time to figuring out how to raise three young kids. lol. So good for you, doing what is best for your family!!! LOVE the new header, btw. She is sooo big already!!! What a lucky girl, to have such awesome siblings. :)


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!