Saturday, November 12, 2011

Telling Time 3: Digital Numbers & Writing the Time

Moving forward with our lessons on time, we did a short lesson on digital numbers.  This was really easy.  I just printed a set of regular numbers and digital numbers.  Even Mini Cooper could figure them out.  I am following our curriculum, though and I am not skipping-just to be sure I dont miss anything.

On to harder things...

Out came the little clocks again, this time with a laminated copy of a clock face without hands. I printed the clock from

I explained how the blue hand on the little clock was the minute hand and pointed to the blue numbers or minutes.  I then pointed out that their clock also had minutes, just in black.  Then I explained how the red hand was the hour hand and pointed to the red numbers or hours-the same as the big numbers on their pages.

I set the clock to various times, and then Mustang and Charger drew then time on their clocks.  Mini Cooper got a clock to draw on-but she mostly just drew circles.

Charger was REALLY GOOD at drawing the time, but I am still not sure if he got the minute hand.  We will be doing this lesson again to see if he got it.  Mustang seemed to really grasp it and even tried a few 1/2 hour  and other times.  I'm pleased to see the kids beginning to understand this concept-I hope-instead of just memorizing the time.

Have a great weekend!  God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. It is just SO nice to see them all side-by-side and working together. Way to go Supermom!


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