Saturday, April 28, 2012

Summer Fun Montessori Trays

This week was our last class for our homeschool co-op pre-k group this year.  Next month we will be having parties and taking field trips and then we will be enjoying our Summer!!  We wrapped it up with a learning centers class.  This week I had some help and it really made it way more fun!  I brought 17 activities, and another mom brought 19 activities.  It was great to have so many options.  I hope that I can have help again next year.  

Before I show you what was on my trays, I want to let you know about an AMAZING resource for new Montessori moms (or old ones),  Thanks to Our Montessori Story, I learned about Just Montessori a couple of months ago.  She has provided her entire curriculum online for free.  I know I *could* make up my own, but hers seems to be perfect for us.  It has made my life so much easier just to follow her lead.  I still have to gather the materials and put my things together, but I don't have to come up with a plan.  So, um, yeah, most of these ideas came from her :).

Sweeping seashell pieces.

Pouring seashells.

Seashell cards and counters.

Exploring seashells.

Land, Air, Water sorting work.  From Montessori For Everyone.  

Ocean animal matching from

Melissa and Doug sea puzzle.

Catching water animals with a 'net.'

Transferring marbles with tongs.

Basting water (shown without water lol).

Scrubbing rocks.

I found the cutest scrubber and just had to make a tray out of it.  It wasn't until the children used the tray that I realized the scrubber was too big for them.  Oh well, I found myself a cute new scrubber.

Open and closing tray.

With new things to open and close.

Living/non-living sort.

Plant/animal sort also from The Helpful Garden.

Color yourself basket.

I found the people at Hobby Lobby.

Natural Moutrishka (sp??) Dolls (Hobby Lobby).

Last, but not least, construction paper, magazines, scissors and glue.  A few of the kids (especially Mustang) really got into this one.  

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you have found some ideas that you can use with your little ones.  God Bless!

We're linked up!

Montessori Monday
Tot School


  1. Great ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great trays! We are hoping to go to the beach this summer, so I will have to incorporate some of these ideas into our trip!

    I’d love if you’d like to link up to my Teaching Time for Toddlers post!

  3. Such great trays! I love all of the sea themed ones and all the uses for seashells. Thanks for the ideas!

  4. Such great trays! I love all of the sea themed ones and all the uses for seashells. Thanks for the ideas!

  5. loving your trays, what great inspiration. I'm pinning this so I can refer back to it when I need ideas. Thanks for sharing

  6. I think we'll be borrowing some of these ideas soon! Thanks!

  7. These are wonderful, Lisa! Your homeschool co-op group is lucky when it's your turn to teach! I featured your homeschool co-op posts and the sweeping seashell pieces photo in my post about starting a Montessori playschool or Montessori homeschool co-op at


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