Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Montessori Monday: The 2 Year Old Among Us

It's been a little while since I showed you what Mini Cooper has been up to.   She is a very busy bee around our room, not sticking with any one work for too long, but certainly checking everything out.  She has some solid favorites.  Mini is now 2 years and 9 months old.

Probably her favorite thing, recently, was Dog's Colorful Day.  I found this idea on Just Montessori and My Montessori Journey.   I was lucky enough to find this book at a yard sale!!  Always great when you already have it in your Amazon cart and get to buy it for less :).  The cards are from My Montessori Journey.

We read the book (again since we had already read it with everyone) and used  the printables, our pom poms, and the tiles from color box 2 to match our colors.

Mini Cooper has really been into colors (and the color box) lately, so this was really fun for her!

Other things she has been doing include:

Practical Life:


Lots and LOTS of cutting.  

I gave her a living/non-living page that the older kids were doing.

She cut hers to shreds.

You guessed it, cutting.  In fact, if you look closely in some photos (not this one) you will notice her new self given hair cut.  She has since been banned from the scissors.  

Water basting.

It took her awhile to catch on, but it became a favorite once she did.

Latches board-huge favorite!


Building a tower with the red cylinders.

And knocking it down :).

Matching the pink tower to cards from Montessori Print Shop.

Green knobbless cylinders.

Mini knobbed cylinders.  Which, by the way, when I received the knobless cylinders, it made me realize JUST HOW MINI our Mini Cylinders are.  I realized that the true cylinders are MUCH more challenging and, likely, fun.  So, after a few months of saving, we finally have the REAL Knobbed Cylinders headed our way.  I am SO.STINKING.EXCITED!!  I hope the kids like them, too :).

Racing marbles down the pink and brown stairs.  The kids came up with this one on their own.  It was such a pleasure to get to watch them.


Matching sea animals.  From iChild.

Pin punching-this lasted about as long as the photo.  Maybe another time!


Sorting land, air, and water cards from Montessori for Everyone.

Sorting land and water animals.  Well, actually, she just pulled out all the whales and lined them up.  That works.

Hemisphere map with control map.  She is very good at this one!

Everything else :)

Marble run.

Doing her own thing.  I never quite figured it out, but the cylinders were people in her story about Dog.  It was funny.

She is really becoming a great little worker and I am so thrilled that she has the oportunity to learn with the Montessori method from the beginning.  I'm so excited to see how she does on her journey!

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless!!

We're linked up!
Tot SchoolMontessori Monday


  1. Busy hands for sure! The hair cutting thing is always something I look out for since one of the preschoolers did this at home after being introduced to scissors. I guess they just go crazy with the excitement:) Nice activities, I especially like the book activities. Thank you for sharing.

  2. My two boys LOVE to cut....they would do it all day long if I let them (sometimes I do let them lol)

  3. Thank you for sharing all these activities. I am impressed by how much she is up to. A very busy bee indeed!

  4. These are great activities for a 2 year old! I love the way you've included so many different levels in your homeschooling. I always enjoy seeing what each of your kids is doing! :) Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com

  5. What a great post! So many good things are going on here...

    If you'd like, I'd love if you'd share this at my Teaching Time for Toddlers post--it really is about all things toddlers!



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