Saturday, March 15, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up Week 10 {2014}

Well, it was bound to happen.  A week where there was more life then school.  But, well, that's life, right?  :)

Our week started with our annual gym night at the gymnastics center in town.  This is the night that all the kids look forward to and talk about all year long!  They get 3 hours to run, jump and play on all the gymnastics equipment.  The parents get 3 hours to sit, talk, eat some yummy snacks, and let their kids run wild.  It's really a great night!  (Yes.  This is homeschool socialization).

Sunday night we went to Mustang's Spirit Squad recital.  To mark the end of their season, the team hosted a pizza and awards night, and then the girls performed their routines for all their family and friends that wanted to come and see.  Mustang received a certificate for participation.  Sorry that the picture on the right is a bit blurry, I had to crop it close so that the other girls on the team weren't in the picture.

The rest of us enjoyed pizza, snacks, hanging out with other families, and a performance.  (Also considered homeschool socialization, ha ha).

On a not as happy note, we received word that our Great-Grandpa passed away on Wednesday night.  He lived far away, so we will not be attending his funeral.  But, we have spent a lot of time this week remembering him and discussing what happens when we die.  We, thankfully, have the hope of knowing that he knew Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and someday we can see him again if we, too, know Jesus as Savior.  So, we've had some conversations about how one gets to Heaven, too.  It's been a good week of discussions.  

For the 'official' school front, we were able to spend 2 days doing work.  

This week we learned about Vincent Van Gogh.  I found a wonderful book (left) of huge and colorful prints of his work.  It was great for giving the kids a true chance to view and appreciate his paintings.  

We started watching a biography about Van Gogh and really enjoyed it (but we need to finish it on Monday-it was kinda long!).  I learned a lot of things I never knew about Van Gogh.  Did I mention that I LOVE homeschooling my kids? I learn so much!! :)

The booklet to the right is free from Confessions of a Homeschooler.  I added this booklet to their workplans.  Mustang chose to do it right away, so this is her book.

One of our two days of school included 'outdoor learning' AKA soak up the 72 degree day in March!  Well worth it!

We've continued with our calendar days about space.  The space cards are from 1+1+1=1.  This has been a blessing, because on his days off school.  Charger has begun his own learning about space exploration, space stations, rockets, and more.  

He brought me his homemade NASA station (interesting because I didn't even know he had seen a picture of it).  Apparently Daddy had shown him a few photos online that I didn't know of.  

I have to be honest I was rather impressed.  No one told him to make this, or how to do it.  On the right you see the space station control center-with a window to see out to the rocket launching.  Not sure if that's exactly how it looks in real life, but Charger thinks it should.

To encourage his interest, I picked up a nice stack of books at the library this week.  He seemed very interested, but has yet to start reading them.  He has been more interested in building instead.  So, we may end up reading a few of these together this coming week.

Mustang turned her free days to reading American Girl books.  I'm always pleased at the history she learns from reading them.  These were her picks for the week.

We did get some math in.  I thought I'd show you this photo just in case you have a kid that just doesn't do well with the Montessori layouts.  If you have the strip board, you know that all the little sticks are supposed to come out of the boxes and layout next to it.  He refuses to take them out of the boxes and say that it's too much work-he will just take out the one he wants wen he needs it.  You also know that the idea is to put the rug UNDER the work-not wadded up next to them.  But, he got a rug, right?  LOL!!  Good news is that he completed his subtraction problems and got them correct.

Mustang used the gold beads for a review of various math problems.

We continued reading Leprechaun in Late Winter (Magic Treehouse) and read about Franklin Pierce, but pretty much this was our week.  I hope to get back on track this next week and hopefully spend 4 days doing school.  But, overall, I am quite pleased with the learning that went on this week.

I hope your week went well, too.  

Thanks for stopping by!

God Bless,

Montessori Monday
Things we used this week (Amazon widget contains affiliate links).


  1. Awesome space station build! I'm so sorry to hear about Great Grandpa but we do have hope! We had more life than school this week as well ;) Luxury of homeschool right? :) Have a great weekend!!

  2. LOVE the space station, what a fabulous creation.

  3. So sorry to hear about Great Grand Pa passing! So happy to hear how your family us dealing with the loss. Love the Lego invention, and that Van Gogh books looks very interesting. Looks like you guys were very well rounded with awesome activities too. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I'm so sorry about your loss. Hugs and prayers for you all. I agree- the space station is awesome!

  5. Sounds like a fun week! I had to laugh at the rug thing. It sounds just like something Sammy would do!


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